Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Years!

Happy New Year Noobs!

Hope everyone had a good new years. I spent mine with the whale~ watched Wreck it Ralph, delivered dinner to the sister, and went home and tried to make decent soup broth and noodles. I don't like how there's not really much to do over holidays, everyone's busy or out doing family things, so whale and I pretty much chilled and watched some pretty mindless tv. Iono, I'm looking forward to everything starting up again to be honest. =D

Oh yeah, while we were out, finally tried that Starbucks gingerbread Christmas drink (before it was too late :d) 

Grande Gingerbread Frappecino $7.15
Whale posing with the drink

He thought it had too much cinnamon, but I personally liked it. xD It was very aromatic and Christmas tasting, and had a nice gingerbread taste accentuated by the iciness of the drink. Although, I'm not a big fan of the big mountain of cream (courtesy of whale). In the end I ended up drinking most of it tho. =D

And then at night, we made dinner and did pretty much nothing. =D

Soup-with smoked pork bones, turnips, carrot, onion, garlic, soy sauce, ginger,  and salt
Dao Shao Mien for noodles
Apple cider for a nice celebratory drink. 

By the way, I highly recommend watching Wreck-it Ralph. It's very clever, gets to the point, humorous, and a really nice easy to watch movie. I think it was also a nice break to watch a...'short' movie (i.e. after watching the 3 hr Les Miserables and Hobbit'. Makes you appreciate movie editing. =D

Venelope, Felix, Ralph, and the crazy chick decorating the movie poster

The Hobbit movie poster

So then the day (or two) before, as the Ternips' and the porridge's parents were in town, so we all went to watch The Hobbit together.

The movie was loooong. 3 hours. Like, dude, it took them 30 minutes to set out on their adventure. Like I'm sure the movie is doing justice to the book, but I think another skill of book->movie adaptations is to be able to choose which events to portray. Also, the extension and addition of scenes just to appeal to the 3D audience...I don't know if I really like that as well. Like sure enough they need to make money, but it's taking away from the overall feel of the movie.

We went for lunch at Hakataya Ramen. So good and yummy. =D I love their soup and the noodles, however I think this shop's soup was slightly salty. Usually I love finishing the soup, but I couldn't finish it this time cuz it was too salty. 

Hakataya Ramen. $10.00

Then afterwards, we went on a spontaneous baddie run to play with them. It was good fun, and man, the first proper exercise I've had in a week. But after the 3 hour movie, and after speed shopping for a Secret Santa work dinner thing (half an hour to choose a $50.00 gift ._.), I was quite tired before baddie started. =D
Look at dem happy noobs. 

They to practice flipping eggs.
I dunno...but luls. xD
Artistic wannabe shot!

The after that, Peorge drove us home (yay!) and I got ready and left for the work staff party. The party was highly awkward because I didn't know most of the people, but the Secret Santa aspect was fun. Like the rules of the game were that everyone chose a number, and picked and unwrapped their gift in order. However, a gift was allowed to be 'stolen' up to three times, thus if you had a later number, you could steal someone else's gift from earlier on. The highlight gifts were the the iPod speaker, the sony camera, and a deluxe foot massager. (However, the original price of both the camera and the massager  were $100 ish dollars). 
There were a lot of really average, generic gifts such as perfume and lotion. I mean, who really wants a $50 dollar perfume. ._. So in the future guys, I would personally recommend against lotions, perfumes, soaps, and chocolates for secret santa gifts. Like to be honest, gift cards are better than the above, because the gift card is more useful. 

Oh yeah, tried out Erica's MAC eyeliner. It goes on really well and is water resistant, but it's probably going to take some practice using a brush to cleanly apply it. Here you can see it on my right eye (left on the picture)


 Anyway, that's all for today. I leave you a pic of the noob!


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