Saturday 26 January 2013

Chu Weeks

NOTE: This post was for day 14, I think I forgot to publish it. 

Hello again~


Wheee it's been two weeks since I have set foot in this foreign, polluted, yet strangely beautiful and lively island.

I wonder if this would be similar to what it would of felt like if I had gone on my Japan foreign exchange. Like I feel like I'm going accustomed to Taiwanese life.


So today had breakfast, and then went to my auntie and uncle's 'yuen shi dian' class. It's like a sort of pressure point massage therapy that they claim to have stellar effects, cure headache symptoms, help your physical body etc. To be honest, I was quite skeptical, and I really don't like painful massages. I'd prefer to live with stiff shoulders than die of pain.

I didn't really notice any effects after my sister or my cousin tried the method on me. Like I swear I only have bruises from their little sessions, and my shoulders and back don't feel any different. I'm still waiting for a 'breakthrough' that everyone claims this sort of pressure massage does.

I guess I'll test it out on people back home and see if it works. >D If not, it shall be entertaining. Hohoho. =D


Then afterwards I had lunch with my mom and her really good friend from Yilan. I had dessert and  taro thing for dinner last night, which I don't think was enough (it seemed fine at the time!). (I woke up at 3am and was really hungry, but I drank water and went back to sleep). Then for breakfast, I had some bread, but man, I was so hungry for lunch. Finished most of the food for my mom and the auntie >DD. And then I had 3 mini dinners. And I've had quite a bit of food, but I'm still hungry everytime I think of the 3am this morning. T_T. I think it might be all the exercise, or the mountain climbing that's like..super charging my hunger. Ahhh.

But yeah. Dancing a lot more these coming weeks to use up the thingos. I'll bluetooth and add photos tomorrow maybe.


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