Thursday 17 January 2013

Le ho~ day 6 ~


A lonely $50,000.
So this morning was another early morning. Woke up at around 7:00am to go mountain climbing. I underestimated it a little bit; the stairs are quite numerous and steep, but it was a good workout that had my heart rate up, which was good. I wonder if I'll be sore tomorrow. I decided not to go to dance class today because I have 13 classes left, and there are more than 13 opportunities in the coming 2.5 weeks to use them up. I'm pretty excited. And it's better if I spread out my exercising. Although I'm pretty sore in some random spots right now from all the exercise I've been doing.

Glorious food
So yeah, we went stair climbing, saw a few stray dogs had a little feast at the top (one of the aunties made the best cinnamon sultana bread, omg), then made our way back down.It was really cold at the top...I don't understand my Auntie and Uncle, because somehow they manage to climb the whole thing in thongs. Yeah. I don't know. Chatted to my cousin for a bit, but her life seems to be pretty wrapped around her boyfriend. Every story that she told me included him.


Little cozy hut at the top of the mountain

Oh, and funny thing is that my whole Auntie's family contradicts my older/younger sibling relationship theory. My theory (not sure if I wrote this in an earlier entry, but I'll repost) is that older siblings generally match up better with younger siblings; i.e. that the older sibling usually has a more dominant and deciding and outgoing persona, whereas the younger is usually more considerate and passive and yielding. However, my Auntie is a middle sister and uncle is a little brother, my cousin is going out with the 9th child of their family, and my other cousin's girlfriend is also the older one in the family. Maybe things are different in Taiwan. xD

 Then we headed to the Taipei bus station to grab some lunch. We ordered beef noodle soup and dumplings. They all were fairly good. My mom had a sweet dessert afterwards that I finished for her; it was grass jelly, so I didn't take a picture because it looked kinda ugly. xD Ahh. There's so much food I want to try...but my cousin doesn't really eat much either, and even if I just wanted to buy something to try it, I don't think I can waste food in front of them. And my mom has random forbidding...or like all of the sudden she'll be like 'Anita, don't eat cold stuff.' when I say I want to eat ice cream or something. :( Oh well.


Beef tendon noodle soup

Then afterwards met up with Dad and had dinner with him. Had the best sushi train in my life. The fish was fresh, and the rice was so soft and tender and delicious. Two people eating for about $20 back home. Sold.

(For some reason, my camera decided to get into the Asian mood and turn everything slightly yellow, so please adjust your perception. thx.)

Sushi train in SOGO

Aburi salmon.




Aburi Tuna

Insert all nigiri into the above.

Then we went to a newer MRT area, and had some famous mango fluffy aka snowflake ice. Pity that I was kinda sick of mangoes having tried to finish the ones we had before coming to Taiwan, but I'm keen on going back to try their strawberry and lychee flavors. 



Till tommorow!

Note to self: Make an awesome cake this year.

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