Friday 4 January 2013

Life of Pi + Dinner

Hi Readers~

Casual wear?~ =D
Why do eyes go red T-T. Annoying la~
So today after getting my morning (w.w) fwotd (first win of the day) and a few games on LoL, I went to go watch Life of Pi with the whale and went shopping and had dinner afterwards. =D

So Life of Pi...I had general high expectations for the movie, and maybe I shouldn't do that. xD Because usually people overestimate or underestimate movies. With such a goosebumps trailer, I expected a really awesome moving movie. [SPOILERS BELOW]
Random jellies
In honesty, it was good, but not spectacular. It just reminds me of an animal including version of castaway. I didn't really get a moving message to viewers, it was just the story telling of how a boy survived due to luck and following a manual. The fierceness and intimidating factor of having to survive with a tiger was well portrayed, but how Pi survived 'due to the tiger' didn't seem as strong of a message. It just seemed like he was trying to keep the tiger happy so that he could survive, and that was it.
Richard Parker and Pi

Again with the book -> movie factor, I think that the director could have done some editing. Especially at the end, when Pi was telling the 'alternative story', it might have been better for the director to show clips of the animals, rather than have the writer guy explain it, because as an audience member, I was lost as to what was going on, and was kinda getting bored of the alternative story before he finished it.
And iono, I think this is one of the movies where I didn't really like the plot. Iono I don't think whale liked how I was picking it apart, but I love criticizing and debating movies. =D

Like I don't like how the movie focused on the story being told as a way to save a seeking 'writer'. Like it probably was part of the book, but I think it kinda left the viewers with a brief and shallow story alongside Pi's adventure in the movie. What happens to the writer? Does he believe all of Pi's story? Does he make it? Which story does he use? And why does he need the report?

As for Pi's adventure itself, it was alright. Pretty much like castaway, but with a big scary tiger. Iono, as a viewer I think I was expecting some sort of relationship to be developed between Pi and the tiger, whereas there wasn't really much there. It was pretty much Pi trying not to piss off the big sharp hungry tiger long enough for him to maybe survive. I'm guessing there was slightly more in the book, and more development of how the tiger helped him survive, but all I got from the movie was that tiger kept Pi from sleeping and being eaten.
Oh, and there also wasn't that much drive to the story. Like even Pi being stranded, of course his overall goal was to be found, but it all seemed to be up to chance. Like it seriously was dumb luck that he managed to sail to Mexico; he wasn't even controlling the boat and didn't have a map. He didn't have any goal besides survive for the next day and hope for fish, and not get eaten; whereas in Castaway, it was like the goal of developing fire and a smoke signal.

So yeah. It was an okay movie. I wouldn't highly recommend it, though it was alright to watch.
Pi starting to go crazy

Oh. One thing that really annoys me with the new movies coming out is the 3D scenes. Pretty much they're adding scenes of complete fluff that would look pretty on screen in 3D. Like sure enough you want to make money as a 3D movie, but I think maybe those scenes should be edited out of 2D versions because watching them is like...okay...that's cool...but that's also kinda boring and does nothing for the movie except make it seem fluffy and draggy. Distracts and increases tackiness. 



Then after movie, we went to city and shopped and had dinner. I bought a pair of shoes for $30.00. Sigh spent to much money. I think I spend a lot more monies on food now...LOL. Need to save more =D. Then again you're supposed to enjoy life right? Yes? Yes.


Note to self: should not eat popcorn if possible during movie because it leaves no room for dinner. :( And butter is saturated fat and bad for you! 

Whale and our awesome budget dinner =D

Takoyaki ($3.80), Beef sth-don ( around $7) and Salmon Special ($7.50)

 Ahh I'm tired. Got woken up early by inconsiderate sister who decides to chat to cousin at top of their voices this morning. Like my room door probs accidentally came open (although I wouldn't put it past her to have 'forgotten to close my door after shoving random shiet into it). I asked her about it, and she was like 'yeah I thought it was weird that your room door was open.' Er...okay. Then close it. T_T.

And siiigh LoL. I really should just not play. It's like the source of a lot of my annoyance these days. ~~

No one has the right to make you unhappy.

I guess if people do things that make me unhappy. I should just leave them be. Find a new group of people who appreciate me for me. :)

Till next time, thanks for reading! ^^

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