Friday 18 January 2013


Yay it's been a whole week~

In terms of withdrawal symptoms, I think I'm okay. Going over to a new country makes you want to try new things and have a new lifestyle. Like I feel so much more motivated to exercise or go shop and go out and do things because there's a lot of different things available here.

Although I've been trying to be smart about my shopping. xD Like I'm not buying something unless I'm sure I want it, or it's a decent price and quality; whereas before I used to just buy things because it was so much cheaper than back home.

So today was a lazy-ish food filled day that reminds me why I'm doing dance classes and stuff whilst here. xD Breakfast I went nostagic and had some peanut butter and jam and milk. :3 

My go to food. Mmmm.
 I...may have woken up slightly late? So pretty soon aferwards we went to go have ramen at my dad's favorite spot. We had miso ramen~ the noodles were a bit softer than your normal Japanese ramen (i.e. hakataya), but the soup was really nice and not too salty. It had a nice miso flavor on top of a really full and sweet tonkatsu soup base. Although I let dad finish the rest of mine because I was still kinda full from brekkie.

Miso Ramen

 Then afterwards we decided to go to the hot springs at Beitou. We took the MRT and my dad pointed out this pretty cool effect with the handles. (I didn't notice it..because well. I couldn't see it. T_T) But yes! It was cool.

Hot springs sign
The hot springs were mixed and it was really full of people. The weird thing was that there were so many rules in the hot spring, and there were like 3 guard people with whistles to keep harrassing people. I guess it keeps people in check, but pretty much the big rules were: you can't only soak your feet (full body or none), you can't have your towel in the water (mine fell off my head and I got whistled T_T), and you can't stand up in the hot springs.

There were a fair number of tourists as well. We went to a nearby hot springs museum of history thing aftwards. Man, skin felt so nice after the hot springs~ I bet if you went every week, you'd have awesome skin.


Then afterwards we went to Shilin night market. My dad is orientated. xD So we had some squid soup, oyster pancake thing, and smelly tofu. Oh we had some peanut bubble ice cream thing as well, but it looked really unattractive so I didn't take a picture of it. But it was really nice. 
Oyster pancake

Smelly Tofu
 I also go a milk tea~ 30 Taiwan dollars. So cheap.
Milk tea
 Then I shopped around and finally bought something (after shopping for like a few days for clothes). I didn't haggle because I'm a wimp. My dad was like, 'Oh, tell me next time when you're checking out'. Sigh. xD Then I saw candied things on sticks which is my sister's favorite. But sucker for her she wasn't there so I had was so nice and juicy. Although they're kinda sticky and I think I almost squirted someone in front with tomato juice. Oops. I'm pretty sure I'm one of those awkward kluts people. ^^''

Candied fruits. Yes tomato is a fruit hmph.

Candied cherry tomatoes with dried plum
 Then we went home and had some fruit. This is one of the nice fruits that I've only had in Taiwan. It's like an apple but not sweet, smaller, and super crunchy. I'm trying to eat more fruit and veggies to improve my eyes!
I dunno what it's called <3
Till next time..aka probs tomorrow~

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