Wednesday 16 January 2013

Taiwan Day 4


Another day. =D I think I'm starting to feel withdrawal symptoms/ I feel like I might be learning some bad habits from hanging around with middle aged people too much. I think my dad and mom sometimes lack some manners...but I don't really know the courtesies in Taiwan, so I don't know if it's just them, or just me.

Anyway, morning started off with me lounging around my dad's place till about 3pm. He went off to work so I had breakfast and bussed myself into the city. Was also watching random TV shows. Taiwan's pretty well known for their talk shows, so I was watching one about relationships for a bit. I think they were talking about cheating boyfriends, which translates to 'splits' or something? Like this one girl was really derpy, she was a model, and even gave her boyfriend money whilst he was going out at night to pick up other girls, and she was so overworked and innocent and tired that she didn't notice. And then there was this other girl who had a long distance relationship, and the guy tried breaking up with her 6 times, and she flew over to LA 6 times just to get back together with him.

That dude sounds pretty douchey to me. Ignoring the girl until she freaking took a 12 hour flight. One sided much?

And they were also talking about coping with break-ups, how they listen to music, surround themselves with friends, or are anti-social for a month. It's interesting stuff. Oh, and they were playing Jurrasic Park on TV.

Orange jelly for brekkie.
Orange jelly and yakult

On the bus

Then afterwards, I went back to my Auntie's house and then went to dance class. Today I tried their 'LA' style, with a different instructor. Fuak. She walked in, and I thought she was a reaaally attractive guy and cute guy. I don't even know how to feel about that. T_T. Nonetheless, she is an awesome dancer (yellow hat in the video below). I really don't see how the classes are open level, because there's no way in hell I'd be able to have kept up with the class if I didn't have prior dance experience. Thus I'm kind of apprehensive about trying the locking class. They said it was all levels...but who knows. 

Weird how the class only had one dude. But it's so much fun. And it's good exercise. Here  is the dance instructor up close, and on that channel, there's a lot more dancing videos from the academy. I think they're a lot more professional than I thought. ^^''

Then afterwards, went to yum cha with dad. Ate away my dance class and more. Ohohoho. I'm hungry again. 

Steamed prawn in rice noodle. Favorite. 

The assorted yumchas

Prawn and rice noodle close up

Fried tofu skin and seafood

Beer. Not too bitter ^^

Red bean and black rice dessert soup
Beef...internal stuff. 

Yoga class again tomorrow. Mountain 'climbing' Thursday. Chutung on Friday till Sunday.
I want to go to more dessert places. Man, Taiwan is decked out in romantic little cafes and ice cream and dessert places. One day, I will be fat and try them all!

But in all honesty, Taiwan is a place you need to go with, with two people. Preferably a dude who isn't picky and eats a lot so you can try more things >D. I don't think my parents and Auntie's etc are that interested in all the freaking amazing dessert shops here. I'll probably end up going alone. Whee. 

Till next time. =D

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