Friday 11 January 2013

T minus 24 hours

Hi Readers,

So blog audience has increased I think. ^^ おせわになりました~

Tokyo Beef with rice $9.90?
So yesterday and today mostly baddie group and co and associates went out. Daikon and his associates planned to watch Wreck it Ralph again, but it was sold out at the cheap cinemas, so they ended up going to the more expensive one. However that meant that I had to go alone for dance, which wasn't as bad as I imagined. xD I'm pretty glad I did hype because I at least know a few people around. Dance was fun, we did Locked out of Heaven with probably my favourite dance instructor. The class was a lv1-2, which is nice and somewhat easier from the normal 2-3s that we do, though I feel really rusty and slow. But the instructor is =D. The way she dances is so powerful, yet she can be soft and feminine and sexy. She also reminds me of this really hot friend I know. =D 

Also had lunch at the food court. I was craving a nice rice dish because I hadn't eaten like a proper meal-like rice thing for awhile. And it was somewhat cheap so that was alright.

Then afterwards bused home. It's kinda nice to have some time to yourself, especially on the nice air conditioned bus (it's been really hot and sticky lately :( ) to just think about things and reflect on them. Just about life, the past, the present, the good, the bad, the future etc.

 I think I'm starting to believe against listening to music or excessive texting in your daily life, because ear buds damage your ear( I think my hearing is bad enough as it is, I don't want to become prematurely deaf),  and texting takes you away from your environment and potentially peaceful scenery (which is better for your eyes too!).

I wonder if people become a lot more boring, or less creative (besides all the artists out there) as they grow older. I remember when I was little, I used to just have a head full of fantasy and role playing and fluff. Like I'd always be thinking of story lines, characters etc, and just immerse myself into that. I wonder if that's because I had nothing to think about in my real life/ didn't have anything going on/ no life. Probably. 


Today was sandwich day!

Why I was making sandwiches for the noobs...I have no idea. I think I'm a person who could be easily used by people she cares about. I just people things. I try to keep it in check because sometimes I think I come off as too giving or I give away too much and I'm left with something I'm unsatisfied with. It's a weird sort of...enjoyment. Then again, I don't think it's a bad thing in enjoying seeing other people happy? Like I think a portion of your life is a lot easier to live for when you live it for other people. Although then again, I think you should always make sure you have your own goals and ambitions, because if you dedicate yourself to someone else only, you become something that molds around them, and uninteresting.

I dunno. Maybe I have one of those innate desires to give people things to maintain good terms as well. It's not the reason, but it might be an underlying...minor factor aura thing.

Anyway, made turkey and cranberry, bacon and egg, and salmon and cream cheese sandwiches. The sandwich maker I have is pretty cheap, so we used a very economical weight seeing as the sandwiches were voluptuous to the point where the presser wouldn't close.

Quality sandwich press
Close up of our awesome deluxe duplex sandwich presser

So many ingredients. And buttering each sandwich and cooking an egg with a cooked yolk was kinda time consuming. I buttered both sides of the bread so that it wouldn't stick to the sandwich press (i.e. all 4 sides of toast were buttered)

Have a look at the progress below:
Dun dun duuun. ! Daikon has his eyes open, 'First time in 20 years'-Peorge
Prep and ingredients
Peorge making some sandwiches whilst I was eating

Kinda gross looking roasted pumpkin, but it was delicious. I love pumpkin. 

Turkey and cranberry sandwich in progress (Peorge) 
Pumpkin and Salmon and Cream Cheese Sandwich

Toasted sandwich

Close up

Then afterwards, we watched Spirited Away, played some Final Fantasy 13, and saw the Spam who just got back from overseas as well. Then we went out for dinner, and dessert. Yay free green tea dessert from Peorge because I won a bet sort of thing with him. Onomnom was so good.

I really hate this blogging website's picture setup thing. I can't put pictures next to each other. Like even if they obviously fit, it just won't let me. So I decided to take advantage of it and post pictures on diagonals. See what I did here? :


Green tea dessert $6.50

Anyway, I'm actually quite tired. And it's way too early in the morning~ been sleeping really 'early' lately, with all the morning birds at around 4. Heading off to Taiwan tomorrow night~ (Yay, airplane movies!) I'm kinda excited, but I also think I'll miss everyone a lot. I'm not an openly emotional person, but you know in movies when there's a sad scene and you get that kinda tight sad feeling in your chest? I think I'll probs feel that tomorrow.

I wonder if anything will change when I'm gone. I wonder what the coming year will bring. I wonder what uni's gonna be like (sign ons are on Jan 23rd), how people are going to change, and all the ups and downs that the year will bring.

I wonder I wonder I wonder.

Makes life exciting. Good luck!

Thanks for reading, night night~

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