Thursday 24 January 2013

Shi san

Top of the mountain =D


Today...nearly killed my self stair/mountain climbing. xD It was so tiring fuak. But worth it I guess. But I don't think I've cardio-ed that hard since cross country season. Lolol at my uncle. "Oh we're almost there". Another block of stairs. "Just the turn and we're there!" Another two blocks of stairs.

Spot the meditating uncle

Sigh he's so fit. Jelly. Us two were the faster ones, so we waited about 20 minutes for the rest of the group. I enjoyed the scenery whilst he meditated. Then when the others came up, we chatted and had food. Lolol my auntie and her student are really scared of caterpillars, so they were really tense the whole time; incase one would fall on them or something.

Mountain top bread and fruit feast

Then afterwards, went with the Opto sis and learned from her little brother about how to determine a person's of eyesight. He used a lot of chinese words for smart things that I didn't understand, but I got the gist. Hmph, and he was criticising that I looked unconfident with my usage of his really expensive and potentially fragile spectrometers or whatever. Bumface. I'd like to see you rough handle someone else's expensive equipment. xD

Oh we had lunch at their place...well, we bought lunch and brought it over to their place. 3.5 dollars back at home. Onmonomnom.

Rice in egg, meat, and ginger

Then afterwards we went to one of the cafe's that the brother recommended. He's one of those...who likes to travel far and eat nice things, and he really like atmospheric food consumption areas. =D So I went with my mom to one near my auntie's house. It was really nice. I had a matcha latte, and my mom had a house coffee that had some sort of rum-ish flavor. And we also had a blueberry cheesecake. This would be an awesome date spot...I had a kinda of dnm with my mom about just stuff in general. Was nice. =D

Blueberry cheesecake
Matcha latte
Then afterwards we went around the underground metro mall and I bought a new pair of shoes (I tried to haggle! but it's so much pressure, and there's definitely an art to it. ._.), and I also bought a singlet to wear because I was out of clean clothes. >D

Ahh I need to do more dance classes. They're going to expire. T_T. Shoulda taken my dad's advice and bought 8.

Oh well.


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