Tuesday 22 January 2013

Day 11


Life of a shy person Isn't it weird if you say hi to randoms....? And like, you can't express yourself properly until you know the person well, but you can't know the person well without expressing yourself properly. Like I'd love to get to know some of these people I see, but there just isnt' a scenario for me that I can create.

Alas...I am envious of extroverts. =D


Anyway, so today I got my hair cut, went to dance class, and had dinner/dessert with my mom's senpai.



For the haircut, she pretty much layer my hair so it was a lot lighter, and gave me a slightly offsided fringe. It was pretty pricey for what I got I reckon, but oh well. I dunno if I'd go back to them, but she seemed to do alright. Maybe it was because she was so pro that it seemed like she didn't really do much. The guy spent a lot of time massaging my brains out and shampooing my hair tho.

Oh yeah, and my cousin made bread for her boyfriend to congratulate him for graduating from his masters degree. Man. My cousin's boyfriend is a lucky guy, for all the stuff that she does and makes for him:

(the bread was epically delicious btw, like from a breadstore in Taiwan)

My cousin made breads
 Oh, and I had ramen by myself after haircut because there was no one to come with me. I was pretty hungry cause it was around 3pm, but doing stuff and eating food tastes better with someone. >D And I didn't really know where to go, so I decided to go somewhere familiar. I wonder if it's association, or I just felt like ramen.

Santouka ramen

 Then dance class. I SWEAR THIS IS A VERY TOMBOYSIHLY ATTRACTIVE CHICK. Like all the girls in the class were fangirling over her. I can see why. But she's so like...cool. And dances like a baoss. Observe below:

I think I'm going to buy a foldable mirror when I get back and install it in my living room so I can practice some of the stuff I learned. Maybe a minor ambition of mine would be maybe to backup dance one day; that would be so much fun.

Brief post, cbs, and I need to shower and sleep cuz there's yoga class tomorrow morning.

Oh, and my mom and I are heading down to my dad's grandparents tomorrow as well. (parents are divorced btw) I hope everything goes smoothly because my mom plans on returning money that my grandma gives, and it usually ends up with my grandma crying or something, and it's rather uncomfortable. T_T. Sometimes I feel like I'm splitting loyalties. I love both sides.

Sometimes when I'm doing something with one parent, I get like nostalgic moments of when I had both at once. Also, I like, talk about stuff I do with the other one openly to the other, I don't know if I should do that. Like it seems kinda rude and unwanted; like I'm sure if you broke up on bad terms with someone, you wouldn't want someone to keep mentioning their name and stuff you do with them; but if I am to share what I do in a day, or like experiences that involve them...then....

Iono. Someone should write a book about courtesies in life regarding all sorts of relationships. And strangers. Kthx.

I'll tell you how it goes. Till next time~

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