Friday 28 December 2012

GaMeRz and their egos.~ Rant

Midnight Ahri says...

First of all. I'm just going to put it out there for the unfamiliar that yes, I may be on the verge of what people call a 'LoL addict.;

LoL, or better known as League of Legends, is one of the biggest online multiplayer games out there. Normal games involve 4 other players including you to comprise a team of 5, and the point of the game is to use different 'champions', or characters that each person individually selects to destroy the enemy team's base, or nexus. The game is set with 3 different lanes, or paths that consist of top, middle, and bot, and the current meta, or accepted set-up for games is one champion in the top lane, one in the middle, two at bot (consisting of the support and the adc, adc being the one who focuses on damage and attack speed to melt down the enemy), and the jungler, who goes around the 'bush' of the map and tries to create ambushes to kill.

So. Such games like these are quite fun, and it's really nice when you have a really nice team. Of course, I'm still learning and not the best player, but then again, it's only fair to say that everyone should still be learning to an extent, as not everyone is a pro player. It's especially nice when your team actually supports you even though you may be struggling, and is vice versa.

Many, MANY prefer a put-down, blame everyone else approach.

I think it's because people get frustrated and too caught up with winning. But fuak, after way to many hours gaming, here are my top peeves about playing with these online gamers. (I know in life, you're supposed to focus on the positives, but fuark, sometimes games get to me and here I am going to list out a lot of the negatives that run through my head. )
  1. Negative attitude.
  2. Blaming everything on everyone else.
  3. People who troll and throw the game.
    • that being said, people who forget to have fun
  4. Lack of courtesy.
  5. Ego ego ego/selfishness. 
And if you're a decently hardcore gamer and are reading this, I can bet you that some of this will apply to/this is something that you probably do. You can try to deny it, but it's reality. Like myself, I know I am susceptible to lack of courtesy. None of the players I know are perfect players.

1. Negative attitude I missed my grab. I'll silence you if you tell me how noob I am...

        This is with no doubt the one that gets me the most. It's the people who say 'omg noob, stop feeding, gg bot, gg top, gg mid, unskilled, wtf,'. I'm not refering to when the person is actually doing something retarded on purpose, I'm referring to the UNPROVOKED negativity that players vomit and squirt when a player messes up. I've even had people who say gg even BEFORE THE GAME STARTS. It's like. Wow. Are you serious? You don't even know how these people play, and you're dealing out judgement and negativity. Way to set the team mood.

It's so unnecessary  and obviously as human beings, no one likes playing badly, or feeding, or negativity. So for all those negative as*holes out there, I don't see why you can't either keep your trap shut, or better yet, OFFER SOME POSITIVE ADVICE OR ENCOURAGEMENT. And you know what, yes, people friggin mess up, but sometimes it's a one off thing. Or maybe they're still learning. I don't see why there is such little tolerance. And if you look at the bigger picture, if you lose a game, fine, but at least learn something from it, or have the other player learn something out of it to become a better player. Take something out of it, besides negativity.

What's more silly is that a lot of the players who are negative aren't amazing either. Thus you're dealing out judgement and saying other people are noob, but in reality, you probably have a lot to learn too. Instead of taking it out on someone else, what can YOU DO to improve the situation. Don't use your energy to bring down team moral, use it to bring it up. As*holes.

But just in general, even if the game is not going well, try to remember that everyone in the game is a human being. Everyone is trying their best. Even if you are getting frustrated, focus on what YOU can do to improve the situation, not what you can do to make everyone else feel as frustrated and shiet as you. If you keep adding negativity to the game, then you're only going to lose because your team no longer want to help you, and vice versa. End of discussion.

2. Blaming everyone on everyone else. 

I think this one is closely related to 4-ego. But wow. Another thing that pisses me off is when people start to lose their lane, or are losing a fight, and blame everyone and everything the can. "Jungler, why aren't you ganking bot, adc, where were you in the fight, support, why did you ult?, Dude, why didn't you follow me??Fuak it's YOUR FAULT I'M DEAD BECAUSE I DECIDED TO GO IN ON YOUR ULT".

And its like dude. Dude. Please. In a game like this, it's a team game, and if you guys are losing, maybe it's because of your team, but you are PART OF THE TEAM. Thus, losing, or not doing well is also your fault. Maybe you're stealing too much of the adc's cs so he went to farm, maybe the support was just trying to scare them, maybe the jungler was busy doing something else.

Omg...I missed my ez ult...ITS YOUR FAULT
Before you blame everyone else...are YOU playing the best YOU can? If you say yes, I say bullshit. Unless you dodged every single hit, dealt damage without receiving anything, hit all your attacks, then stfu. Work on your own play. Offer helpful advice if it's something obvious that your team may not be aware of or is doing, but don't blame them for not being there to save your ass because frankly, it's your fault that your ass got caught out. 

3. People who throw and troll the game. 

This isn't actually one of my big peeves to an extent. Like, I reckon when gaming, you should go in to win, but you should be also going in to have fun. That being said, if your team is winning, it's really annoying if you decide to do stupid things for your own entertainment, feed the enemy team, and end up losing. Like, it's fine to play around if you're sure you're going to win, or if you're sure you're going to lose, or doing harmless fun. But if you keep doing stupid stuff, you're wasting other people's time who actually want to win, and play a successful team game.

4. Lack of courtesy

This one isn't one of my big ones. Although it's probably because I'm the worst with this one ^^''. Thus if I'm in a slightly irritable mood, you will never hear an I'm sorry unless I feel bad enough about it.

Akali wants to tell people to be courteous =D
But yes, the gist of this one is that in a game, there are things that you should apologize for. Like if you cause someone to die, badly engage, dc, or accidentally steal someone's creep (little minions that you get gold when you kill), miss an important skill, you should probably apologize if you want to be a really good, courteous player.

That being said, you obviously can't apologize for every single skill shot you miss. (I mean, isn't the point of a skill shot that you need skill and practice to hit, and that they're supposed to be difficult?)

Like sidenote, in regards to skills that need sufficient aiming, (i.e. blitz grabs, amumu bandages, other skills that hit first target only) you really should feel benefited if it hits, not being negative if it misses. Like treat it as an awesome bonus if it hits. 

5. Ego and Selfishness.   

This one, is one of the ones that can come off as annoying. Mainly I'm addressing roles such as mid, top, and adc, who need a sufficient amount of gold and cs (creep score) in order to deal the damage that the team needs to get kills.

 I am waiting for my farm. Have fun in that team fight over there. 
Pretty much, these three roles, there is slight debate about who needs the farm 'more', and who needs protection. In reality, every single player would benefit from some extra farm; even the support player, who is often forgotten. If your support had full build, to be honest, they could go in and not give a shiet and just tank all the damage. (i.e. aram games)

But yeah, pretty much my peeve is when people fight over farm, or want excessive protection when the other team player may also need such farm and protection (I.e. the support following them around or saving them from being focused). Like, maybe just share farm, or agree that the first one there gets it. If you tell someone else who could also benefit to gtfo, then a. some farm is being lost, b. that person is going to lower the overall average power of you team. Sure you may get some farm, but it's a team game.

Likewise, in the game, there is no most important player. Yes the adc does damage, but without the mid damage, or the support bringing you up during laning phase, or the top dealing damage, or the jungle ganks, you wouldn't be melting down the team.


Just overall. To all you LoL gamers, remember that everyone wants to have fun, and everyone wants to 'do something' in the game. Thus try to be the best, most courteous, most helpful, and open minded gamer you can be, because there is so much you can learn, there is so much fun you can have, and there is that amazing, awesome feeling of playing a good team game that everyone deserves. Don't be the one to bring the team down with your ego and selfish desires to vent your frustrations, be the one to bring up the team and make the game the fun the makers want it to be. Play for the team, not for yourself, and you'll find that things go so much better. 


Disclaimer: LoL is copyright to riot, and the arts used in this blog all belong to them/ I used a lot of the Asian artworks found here.

And also, have this Ashe art. Just omfg. It's so gorgeous.

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