Saturday 15 December 2012

Shiet feeling is shit. (Philosophical post-ish)

 Happy pre-holidays! 

Christmas tree in c
I was debating at whether or not I should blog like...feelings and stuff. Like I guess a lot of the blogs online are more 'professional', in the sense it's just like documenting the good and awesome or sort of just recording your life.

But yeah. Stuff that I'm blogging feelings cuz if I'm not expressing both my honest good and bad feelings on my blog, then there would be no life to blogging yeah?


I dunno if it's just working so much or something, and missing out on all the fun stuff,  but wow. Just lately. Feeling so shiet. And like, every little thing seems to be going against me. Like late buses, stepping into puddles, whatever.

So then the logical side of thinking of me starts to rationalise. And I start thinking things like...Anita, if you weren't in a rush then you wouldn't be so angry. And the other people probably have had something else...and you have no right to be angry at them...blah blah blah.

Or maybe it's just lack of quality, comfortable socialization. Like at work, every customer is either a broken record, or you have to find something to talk about and concisely express yourself without offending the other party.

Yeah I dunno. Just the buildup, and having to serve customers non-stop. Like today, although I was working with another staff, she had to do stock and fix up the store, which means I got like 90% of all customers, and so the stupid, selfish little Anita voice inside goes 'Why do I have to serve everyone, why can't I do stock?"

I think it's reverse psychology. Like today at dinner. Will ordered salmon, and I suddenly felt like salmon.
(btw his salmon foccacia was kinda shiet, so I don't feel bad...will get to that later)

Charity antler selling~ I woulda bought one if he approached me, hmph

Anyway, another side note.

I think my favorite philosophical quotes consist of:

  • "Positive thoughts attract other positive thoughts, vice versa for negative"
  • "If something really belongs to you, let it go, and it will come back"'

And those aren't the exact quotes, but I'm sure you guys have heard similar ones. (First one is from The Secret I think). First quote refers to the cycle of negativity a person can have, and that negative outlook reflects on your actions, and thus probably brings more negativity to your life; whereas positive actions bring postivity, which brings more positive action and a positive cycle.

And the second quote is...well personally, I don't like having to fight for things every single day. Like fighting in the face of adversity is different to like...fighting for someone's affections. I'm not going to fight for someone to like me because in a relationship, I believe you should be spending your energies supporting each other, not spending energy just to stay together.


So at work, had a simple lunch today. Mince tart, medium coffee, and nutella/jam and peanut butter sandwich. After a few good hard hours working, I was feeling pretty meh again, but that half hour of sitting down and resting really boosts the mood and energy levels. Like I could actually smile at customers. Although I was expecting to get paid so I could buy Christmas presents without having to like, ration out my pay, but as expected, cousin didn't pay. At least at the bakery, my pay is set and I can depend on it.

Nutella and Peanut butter on white bread, fruit mince tart, and medium skinny capp

Plus I had plans to go out for dinner, so I didn't over indulge too much. I think. xD

So for dinner, we went to the Groove Train.
It was. Bad.

Oh, don't be fooled by the pretty pictures. I'm never going to this place again. To summarize them in 3 words: Stingy, sloppy, and pricey. 

Blurrry pic
Boyf and I...before we knew. 

(Btw, I don't understand this photo formatting on this blog at all. Like it just took me 10 minutes to put those two pics next to each other. On the plus side, photos are automatically rotated when uploaded. Yay!)

So for the menu, it was pretty much like your any other white restaurant. 'Gourmet' aka flat and topping-less pizza, rich creamy pasta, burgers, steak, and sandwiches. Price range was approx $13-26 AUD. I should have taken a picture of Will's 'salmon focaccia'. It was literally a huge cold slab of Turkish bread, with a little bit of onion, a lot of side salad, and like, one piece; I mean ONE SLICE of smoked salmon. You couldn't even tell it was salmon by looking at it from the side the slice was that stingy.

We started out with two lemon lime bitters. Will was raving about how good they were supposed to be. It was kinda nice fresh, although it really just tasted like soda with some ginger ale or something. It progressively got worse as the ice melted, and became watery sugar water that wasn't fizzy at all. The guy next to us got an iced chocolate; it looked good but he said it was average so I don't actually know.

Iced chocolate. Price: ~$5.00 ?
Lemon Lime Bitter, $4.20
And then we proceeded to wait forever and a day for our mains. It took ages, and the other table got their food and was pretty much finished with it by the time our table started receiving food. And the waiters kept coming by our table and trying to give us food we didn't order. Then we found out they ordered my Grilled chicken focaccia wrong, and had spilled the tomato sauce all over Walter's white dress shirt. At least they said they'd reimburse him for dry-cleaning.

So I was the last one to get my food. And mind you, I had work, and was so hungry, and everyone at my table pretty much was finished by the time I got my food. I felt like I should have gotten some compensation. Like the focaccia itself was alright, it was definitely better than Will's, but by the time that they brought it over, I was just unhappy with their service and was so hungry I wasn't hungry. Like I was half minded to either cry, leave their chicken burger untouched to make a point, or tell them to leave it and just eat and maccas later. Oh well, the turkish bread was hot and fresh, coulda used more salad, and the serving of chicken was just average. The chips weren't amazing and it was just plain tomato sauce. I would have preferred salt and pepper to be honest.

Chicken focaccia, $13.90
Then we had ice cream birthday cake, which pretty much was melting and didn't taste as nice because everyone wanted the group photo on THEIR camera. Why no just share on facebook?

Praline Ice cream cake from Baskin Robins
Cake tasted like Maple Walnut ice cream from Movenpick, but with less walnut. It was good, but really sweet.

Then afterwards  shietty mood built up, and I kinda broke and started ranting to Will. We had a dnm about little pet peeves, and I expressed my clinginess and jealousy. I feel a bit better, but I still don't feel that great. It's funny how life just makes you so happy, just so that you can feel that extra shitty aye?

Work tommorow. Yaaaay.

Sometimes I also think, the only person you can really depend on is yourself. If you depend on someone else, and they don't provide; the only person who gets hurt is you.

Then I think of another philosophical quote from hype. "If you want to travel fast, travel alone. If you want to travel far, travel together." 
I find a lot of truth in that quote. And it inspires me to put more effort into life, rather than giving up and going my own stubborn selfish way.

Till next time reader(s). 

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