Monday 17 December 2012

Perks of Being a Wallflower + shopping

So hot and muggy. T_T

Wheeeee. Oh yeah, plaits are because I was practicing. =D

So today went out to go Christmas shopping and watched Perks of Being a Wallflower. It was a pretty good one of the ones that 'change the way you think', but in a sort of  chick-flick ish way (i.e. not like crash, looper, or flight 93 where they use like really strong or severe violence to get the message across. Movie starred Emma Watson with her American accent, Logan Lerman, and Erza Miller. 

Erza Miller (left), Emma  ( mid) and Logan Lerman (right)
The little trio celebrating...I actually forgot what they were celebrating 

It was nice how the movie explored all sorts of relationships, not just the cliche 'nerd gets the hot girl/guy'. It just keeps me thinking about the different dynamics that different social groups have. Like, of course you can't expect everyone to have the same train of thought and dynamics, but sometimes if it's something that you really believe in and you don't have enough evidence to prove otherwise, then I guess sometimes you just assume everyone else must think the same way.

 Also, I think I realise more now why people don't really blog personal thoughts and feelings-because most of the people who those feelings are probably know/read the blog of the person; hence it's kinda like public bitching, which yes, is inappropriate, blah blah blah.

But yeah. A thing I've kinda had a problem with is understanding the dynamic of 2 guys and 1 girl. Yes, this is based of my jealousy problems, but like even the movie and book references I've seen support my thinking. For example, [SPOILER] Harry Potter, Hermione ends up with Ron. For Wallflower, Charlie ends up with Sam [END SPOILER]

Like, I don't really see how the guys don't end up liking the girl. I've also heard that it's very difficult for a guy to become close friends with a girl without liking her. Well, if she's somewhat attractive I guess and doesn't have a dealbreaker...sort of thing? I dunno.

Just side note. I hate jealousy. I have severe problems with it. And I deal with it by removing myself from the situation usually. Or if I'm just continuously exposed, I tolerate it to the point where I don't care; but that takes a decent amount of exposure usually.

And I have an ego problem/ lack of apologizing problem. =D Sigh stubbornness.

Bleh. Ok moving on.

So yeah, we ate steak and chips and salad and had drinks for dinner. It was nice, and pretty good for the price we paid. I think it was 3.50 for a drink, and a 9.90 steak including chips and salad. I got mushroom sauce and medium steak; the mushroom sauce was good, chips were average, salad was nice and fresh. For drinks, Lisa got lemon lime bitters...I forgot what I got. Some club soda? It tasted like any other soda. xD I think lemon lime bitters are okay in general, but not like...super amazing like Will up-talked them to be.

$4.00, Lemon Lime Bitters (left), $3.50 Club soda (right)

I don't remember it being this well lit, maybe
 it was just my imagination.

Steak with mushroom sauce, $9.90 with drink purchase.

But yesh. Those are my adventures today. Christmas prepping, present buying. busy busy busy. I can't wait to try one of the cold holiday drinks....been craving. Gingerbread or peppermind frappe. Mmmm.

Till next post! =D
Enjoy life and don't be stingy. =D Would you rather be poor and have lived life to the fullest, or be 70 years old with all the money you could spend to travel and experience the world, but the body to just sleep at home and eat healthy lv100. 

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