Sunday 23 December 2012

Lack of Exercise, Happy Holidays, Karma

Hello Readers!


So the past few days have been one of those sort of static eventful ones.

First of all, yesterday, we found out that my Mom's Mom, aka, my grandma passed away in the morning. I had just woken up and was like...groggy and mom was like..."Anita, I'm going to Taiwan asap, your Auntie just called and told us that grandma passed away".

Pretty sky today =)
I was like. Oh. This is serious.

Yeaah. Iono. I think I shut down unpleasant things or go out of my way to avoid them. Like the logic side of my brain will do what is necessary to keep me in the 'acceptable behavior zone', but besides that, I'll go out of my way to avoid things. Like apologies as well. Bad conversations. Bringing up issues. I have to mentally prepare and dedicate myself to the above before I can execute them...otherwise I'll just avoid to all extent.

So yeah, I kinda got annoyed at people telling me to be there for my mom. Like I know...but I don't really understand why I got annoyed.

And I was like, in a good mood and brought ice cream home from Mom, to find out she didn't want it atm and Erica was like "Anita, she doesn't want it right now, just go away.". I reacted really badly to that...and was like..whatever. I guess I'm the type of person to show someone I care through tangible objects rather than  dnms on normal basis (although I do like dnms =D). And just being shut down was like..fuak. So I just went to gaming and was grey cloud over my head for the rest of the arvo. xD

But yeh, on a bright note, new frozen yogurt store opened. =D They had an opening two dollar special thing for regular sized ones. (I think the original price for the two came to be around 11 dollars something O_O) But yeah. I kinda felt bad for the people working at the shop.../ I feel bad for a lot of people working around Christmas hours. Although I'm also put on Christmas hours, it still kinda feels bad how service and customer interactions around this time are based on productivity rather than quality.

Regular frozen yogurts from Moochi, (3 toppings) $2.00 ea

Will got the coconut flavor and I got the original one. The coconut was really nice~ sweet but not too sweet. The original tasted like those Jahla or w/e natural yogurts...tasted healthy. xD

(Btw apologies for photo quality, I've been derping and forgetting my SD card in my computer, so I had to use my phone for this one >_<)

But yeah. Also bought x-mas pressies. I swear I combed every single shop for a nice teacup, but yeah. I'm somewhat content with these for will's parents. I saw the glasses one and was like...omfg. He's either gonna love me or think I'm a weirdo for lyfe.

Presents are as follows:

Awesome and maybe slightly creepy glasses stand.
Nice deep blue slightly Asian looking teacup for his Mom. 

 Oh what was really awesome was I met this Taiwanese random whilst in that particular shop. I was like... spazzing about how cool the glasses stand was to Will, and she overheard, and started talking to me. Then she asked me if I could speak Mando, and from there, we kinda partner shopped for half an hour. It was an awesome...random bond. We discussed how cool the glasses stand was, and from there, found out who we were shopping for respectively, and I told her how I was looking for a gift for Will's mom, and we both started combing the shop, and she'd call me over when she found something she thought was good.  I learned that she was shopping for Christmas gift for this guy she liked, but unfortunately he was living with his girlfriend.

Like although I don't really like her taste, her outgoing personality made her likable and she probably would be a good friend in a different time or place. And then we paid for our purchases and I don't know if I'll ever see her again. =) But if we do, and in the right circumstances, we probably would become good friends. =D


So yes. It is Christmas holiday week...and all my sources of exercises have been declined. LOL. QQ. Dance is off, baddie is off; the most exercise I do nowadays is shopping and I feel like my stomach is getting squishier. Sigh. I need to get back to doing dance covers. =D Unfortunately Erica has decided to hog the living room as well, and I have to wait for her to sleep to use my 'mirror', but she sleeps really late now. I just feel increasingly more lazy in regards to exercise, and I think I'm lacking it to the point where I don't even feel properly hungry because I haven't used up my energies. (Don't get me wrong, I still eat because eating is fun =D, but I don't feel that satisfaction in eating without exercise...It's kinda hard to explain.) I need to be more dedicated to my exercise. =D This is usually the feeling I have in Taiwan where all I do is eat and sit and get fat so....yeah. Motivation!

Reminds me of basics of human nature. Laziness. Like for example, the mob of people buying last minute presents, the procrastination for assignments, I personally procrastinate showers. =D.

Then again, if you have the motivation from doing something, I don't think anything can stop you. Like in the middle of dance season, I felt so much motivation, and all I wanted to do was practice, and somehow my brain found ways for me to practice. Then once dance class stops, I know in the back of my mind I still want to do it, but I'm engulfed by some shietty laziness. >>

So another phrase I kinda go by is "Out of sight, out of mind." I think a lot of people can relate to it. Some examples include people you know...i.e. if you see someone often, you're more likely to talk to them or invite them to hang out, or get to know them better. Whereas if you never see someone...maybe it's the uncertainty about the relationship? Whereas if you see someone constantly, you know the status of the friendship/relationship and are more confident in asking or questioning...etc etc.

But yes at work. I decided to try one of the peppermint cookie drinks from Gloria Jeans.
Omitted the cream because I wanted to be...sliiightly healthy. xD Logic side of my brain.

Fruit mince tart, Comet's peppermint cookie chiller $4.95 for a small. And my awesome phone. =D 
It was nice. Although I don't I was completely in the mood for it because of my lack of exercise, thus I kinda felt bad for eating junk. =D 
Oh oh oh. I also found the most awesome thing at work. I was ruffling through the drawer trying to find stuff and stumbled upon this:
"Blood syringe. Wtf. This is clearly out of the health and safety regulations...I could get AIDS or herpes out of this syringe if I accidentally had poked myself when digging through the drawer. Is this from one of the hobos from around town? Oh dear...and why is there still blood."

-...were some of the thoughts that went through my head. But then I looked carefully at the tip...and behold!

Trololol I am I pen. 
It was a pen. And not only that, it had red ink in the pen, but when you write things out, the ink turns black...which I found super cool. =D
Oh and strange but...somehow worked out thing that happened today was because it's so close to Christmas, I actually voluntarily went down to start my shift a half hour early, only to show up to find that boss actually did roster me for half an hour earlier. I think it was his mistake, but hey, I'm not going to complain about the extra pay...for the work I did. =D
Although we did also stay behind an extra half hour to sort some things about because we were so busy that we couldn't finish everything that we were supposed to do. 

Happy holidays!


Ohh. Which brings me to my other job that I don't think I'll be returning to till next year Christmas maybe/maybe never.

Well basically what happened was that I was told I'd be receiving 13 dollars an hour, but on my payday, boss decided to change it to 12 dollars and said, "Well I'll give you 13.00 next year as incentive so that you definitely come back."
I was kinda dumbfounded. I was like, "What? Wait so it's just 12 then?" And she was like "Yeah." 
She's a relative so I didn't want to start anything, and I really wanted my pay...but I was like...okay.....

I feel like I've been taken advantage of. Like older and more experienced family should be setting an example right? But instead, I was slapped in the face with an example of not holding to your word and dodgey workplace terms and conditions. In addition to the one dollar difference, said boss said she was going to pay me an extra hour for my 1.5 hour commute time into the middle of nowhere...which was not followed up either. 

To be honest, if she just promised $12.00 an hour, I don't think I would have minded, but dangling something that wasn't true just isn't cool. I guess it's the whole expectations thing, and when someone yanks away you hope and expectation, you feel...jipped to say the least.

I dunno. That slight situation makes me wanna say next year, "Is it really $13.00, or is it going to be like last year, where you pretend it is but then change it on payday?"

In addition, I did not get paid for 3 weeks...which is kinda long in regards to the amount of shifts I did.
Just...the situation makes me want to find another good job that pays well, gives me more shifts and isn't so dodgey.

One thing I've learned is that you really shouldn't work for relatives. This is because:
  • A. The are likely to take advantage of you (i.e. make you work a little bit longer, do extra favors, etc) 
  • B. It's difficult to bring up issues in the workplace (i.e. it will/would affect the family relationships), even if the issues are really important/mandatory ones. 

Hmmm. I have a lot of work sort of thoughts and rants I'd like to elaborate on sometime, but I feel like I'm writing an essay atm so I'll probably leave it to next time/ when something happens again. I leave you guys with some awesome pictures of the clouds from today. They were so beautiful and felt so surreal...I felt like I was in an anime where I was flying. And the sunset was gorgeous as well because of all the contrasting tones to the beautiful blue, whites, reds, oranges, etc. 

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