Wednesday 13 March 2013

Types of Intelligence

Hi there!

(btw this is a post I started ages ago, I only got to finishing it recently xD. And I decided to add a few random SHINee pictures because I didn't really want a whole bunch of randoms from google images to be on here)

So today I shall be discussing types of intelligence. 

For those unfamiliar with this word, here's the definition copy and pasted from dictionary dot com.

  [in-tel-i-juhns]  Show IPA
capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude ingrasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.
manifestation of a high mental capacity: He writes with intelligence and wit.
the faculty of understanding.
knowledge of an event, circumstance, etc., received or imparted; news; information.
the gathering or distribution of information, especially secret information.

The reason why I decided to bring this up is because I am currently studying optometry at uni, and frankly, it makes me feel really dumb sometimes. =D

Well not dumb in the sense that I think I am dumb? I just feel as though my brain is more retarded in certain aspects than others. Like seriously, maths and physics seem like slippery gel to me in terms of getting into my brain. For example in class when a teacher is explaining anything to do with maths and trends and calculations, or converting, I feel like I lag behind everyone else. Like today in optics, I can't do those 1/f=F calculations in my head. If you give me an F, I need to write down the whole equation and convert it.
Learning Intelligence~

Thus  have come to the general belief that there are a few different types of intelligence, and that people either have one, or a combination of such types. This is still a theory I'm still kind of developing, but what I have so far is that some of the major types of intelligence consist of the following:
  • Learning intelligence 
    • maths (number based)
    • science (theory based)
    • other (coordination based)
  • Thinking intelligence
  • Social intelligence

And when I refer to intelligence in regards to the above, I am referring to the amount could say 'talent' a person has in these types of intelligence; i.e. without excessive prior experience or practice.

How fast can you learn choreo?
Learning Intelligence

I feel that learning intelligence is one of the things I am less capable. I define this intelligence as the ability to pick up something quickly; i.e. a new concept in maths. This is a large aspect of learning and comprehending under pressure. I also believe that learning intelligence can also be divided into sort of subgroups, and the groups that I've observed consist of maths and science. I've talked to few fellow classmates, and I think a few of them are similar in the fact that they understand and love biology, but find physics and/or maths related topics more difficult to comprehend. Thus I think some people absorb numbers much more easily, whereas other people absorb biological concepts and theory more easily. For example, I completely understand and find the interaction of hydrogen and oxygen, and their polar ends, and find that fascinating, and how the rings of electrons like to jump from high to low energy, but if you chuck in some angles or ___ oxygen plus ___ hydrogen, or the number of electrons that are meant to be in a ring that already has  ___ electrons, it immediately makes the problem significantly less interesting and more of a bother to think about.

The 'other' aspect of learning intelligence that I have observed probably has a bit to do with body coordination. This specifically refers to people's capability of being able to learn to do something with their body; i.e. instruments, sport, dance, etc. Some people can pick things up really quickly, whereas other people have to practice something significantly before they can nail it. I believe I am the latter, and my latter ability increases with the amount of physical power and coordination involved. (i.e. I am more comfortable with learning instruments than learning how to do something with my whole body)

Thinking Intelligence

I think the majority of my intelligence comes with thinking intelligence. Like I feel like my brain is always running, and sometimes it runs to the point where I can almost feel it's exhaustion, and I need to completely distract myself with something I don't need to think about. Thinking intelligence, I think, involves a lot of concept and logic and reasoning with not time restriction. Like if something doesn't make sense, you keep thinking about it until it does, or you find a reason that fits, or you think until you're too tired to think anymore. I think a lot of the more mature ways of thinking about things and considering things comes about from thinking intelligence, and regardless of your learning intelligence; if you ponder about certain concepts, you will come to the most correct solution eventually; regardless of how long you spend. I also find the no pressure aspect much more comfortable to think in.

Ohoho...Jong looks like a thinker as well=D

Social Intelligence

I think social intelligence is one of the hardest things to master; and is both a combination of thinking and learning intelligence as well as something you are just born with, or without sometimes. (i.e. Taemin is probably one of those born with social intelligence; he knows how to say funny and cute things without trying or being aware). High social intelligence involves being both logical and creative; logical enough to say something relevant but not boring, and creative enough to say something interesting and perhaps quirky, but not to the point where it seems strange or irrelevant. (i.e. some paintings are creative, whereas some paintings can be a real 'stretch' for the average audience to comprehend it's meaning)

I view strong social intelligence as the ability to say or do the right thing at the right time in a social setting, i.e. saying something relevant, knowing when to crack a joke, knowing when not to crack a joke, knowing what to joke about, knowing what questions to ask, knowing when to do something physical. I believe that social intelligence is also highly influenced by your confidence; i.e, if you're more confident, you are more likely to say something funny, or do something funny at the right time. Social intelligence also involves filtering out what goes through your head, and what goes out your mouth.

Social intelligence can really amplify your career as a kpop idol.  Ahh...onew condition. ^^''
Ofcourse, there are also many other factors that affect social interactions; i.e. the group of people you hang out with, their interests, norms, etc. For example, you might seem really quirky in one group, or really cool in another. Some jokes that might be hilarious in one group might cause little question marks to pop up in a huge thundercloud over another's. Some statements may make sense to one group of people who have interest in a topic, whereas some statements might make no sense (i.e. gaming references, political references, etc). It all depends. Thus I reckon someone with a high social intelligence knows what to say to keep conversation and interaction going for all sorts of social groups, whereas someone with average social intelligence might seem quiet because their smart enough to not say anything so that the atmosphere doesn't become awkward. Thus at the end of the scale, someone with low social intelligence would say whatever they want to say regardless of the social setting; which might prove offensive or awkward, or irrelevant to the social group.

As for my social intelligence...I'd guess I'm probably average? In certain groups (i.e. those who I have more common interests with, or similar thinking) I probably have more social intelligence because I can make a lot of retarded references that people understand, whereas in other groups, all my quirks are shot to the bottom. In those cases, I generally am quieter, and contribute when I have something relevant/ something not too quirky or irrelevant to say, even though a lot of random things pop into my head.

So yes, that is my quirk of the day. What sort of intelligence do you have? How does your social intelligence fair? Are you a maths, science, or physical learning intelligent person?

I leave you with my wallpaper.  Kinda fits aye? =D

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