Monday 18 March 2013


Hello there!
Seeing as uni is my lyfe now, you can have a look at what I wear. =D

Uni outfit: Red tank to amplify the sweatshirt design,  I ended up choosing black shorts over jean a comment on my shorts being short again. Although from an 'Asian''s fine/makes my legs look longer. >D Hair tied up because I wanted it kinda neat ish/I need to wash my hair >D 
Hey guess what~~ I just found out you could turn off sound notifications for whatsapp. Deeerp.
And is it just me or has facebook added a new notification sound? ._.

But yes! Hello readers! Welcome back to the procrastiblog of awesomeness.

Hmm. So things that I've done recently...

Had dinner out with the state high group last week. It was really good seeing everyone again, and I have to say that we have an awesomely diverse group. We have a dentist, a lawyer, a pharmacist, an optometrist, an architect, a film director, and a psychologist. 

Awesome people are awesome. =D
But yes. I need to remind myself never to order spicy food at a Korean restaurant. Everytime I get cocky and think I can handle it, but it always ends up with the food being both too hot (i.e. in a hot stone bowl) and spicy; amplifying itself and thus, making it hard to eat. Like I can't even taste the food, and I'm barely chewing because it's so spicy. Thus results in slight bloated/bad digestion. 

Really spicy squid dish
Then uni uni uni uni uni uni.

Theeen...on the weekend decided to make a Tiramisu cheesecake with the whale. Used a recipe from The whole freaking day was spent on cooking. From the morning to night, we went shopping for groceries, made cheesecake, made lunch, made cookies, then made dinner. ._. Enough cooking to satisfy me for like....a few months. 

To the arteries!
 I found a cake tin! =D I hope the cheesecake turns out's sitting (decorated) in the freezer right now. :3
For lunch, we had tuna, egg and cheese sandwiches. It's pretty healthy, topped with black pepper and salt =D Oh, and some sun-dried tomatoes. (this is actually for the day after, I decided I couldn't think of anything to eat for lunch so I re-enacted the lunch the day before, plus salad leaves =D)

We made dinner too! Whale did the steak and I did the veggies and the rice. 

Salad, corn, broccoli, and steak
 Cooking is so tiring. Prep, cooking, dishes. It's like you think it's over and you can enjoy your food, but lol jokes, you have to do the dishes!


Sunday was a super procrastinating day.  I was going to dedicate it all to study, but ended up doing a lot of other things. I worked on my mirror, practiced piano, made lunch, watched and downloaded youtube and music...

Focus was like...0.

But hey, I can kind of play the beginning of Dazzling Girl! =D
This still needs a lot of practice so plz don't judge too much. kthx.

Alright, going back to optics. Ttyls~!

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