Wednesday 20 March 2013

Syncs and updates-rants, metaphors, and more.

Hey folks~

(*btw, I'm trying to find some pictures for y'all. Not that a block of text isn't different and unique, but yeah. Visuals!)


I finally fixed my ipod! Stupid syncing and updates. Like the problem was that itunes wouldn't recognize it's own baby first generation itouch....thus I had to update everything including re-downloading itunes, updating all the windows updates, and restored my ipod. I don't know if it was a combination, or just the updates, but anyway.

It's annoying. 

Like...why fix something that's not broken? I understand the patches and updates for bugs and shiez, I know they need to keep things innovative and pretty and modern looking....but I don't understand the disgusting windows/microsoft updates. Like...they're simplifying every freaking thing so that's it's unrecognizable and almost childish. Like if you update something to make it MORE user friendly and BETTER LOOKING, fair enough. Like, by all means, go for it. If you can get a seasoned artist to draw a picture instead of a 3 year old (no offense to my niece), go for it. But if you're going to make things more complicated, dumb down the icons so things are cute...and then mess up where everything used to be and make things harder to find...seriously...fuak off. Like dear hotmail, I know you're trying to be modern (or maybe you go bought out or something), but I don't reaaally need a size 42 font subject.

And iTunes as well. Like...I know silver eyeliner and borderless buttonless is in You look like part windows 8. And that's not a compliment.

(And lol just on TV, "Shine bright like a diamond(8), ""What happened to you on that island?""
I see what clever rhyming you did there, TV commercial people.)

Don't worry Jong.
I will never ignore your updates or tell them to remind me in a day.
 Unless you're getting married.
Unless it's to me. <3
But yes. Update people...remaker people...try again please.


On the more metaphorical philosophical note...I have decided to metaphor people as software and updates. You know how windows and LoL always have like...weekly updates? I reckon that's like people as well. Point being that the more often you hang with people, the more you are able to hang out with them and understand them because you are constantly updated (sometimes daily, weekly), and thus are up to date not only with what they are up to, but also their personality and jokes.

I don't think I'm the only one in saying that sometimes I feel like I'm really close with someone, then something happens and I don't see them for awhile, and then suddenly when I go back to see it months or years; it feels like that closeness is gone, and I feel like I'm lagging behind their life and personality updates. Talking often also feels a bit awkward. Most people would say that that person 'has changed', but in reality, everyone is changing everyday; it's whether or not you are updated with their personality changes.

For example, I see my badminton group every few weeks or so, so I'm somewhat updated with their personality, thus it's somewhat easy to start up a conversation or joke around. Like my boyfriend as well, I talk to him daily, so I know almost to the kB what his current humor and personality is like. In contrast, one of my friends, I hadn't seen her in like a year. We used to tight as...and now...I know I should be able to become close to her again with effort, but at this exact point in time, our conversations are a little forced and a little awkward. I'd say we're outdated versions of iTunes  Slightly awks, but with a bit of fixing, has the potential to be good as new.

In the other end of the scale, there are the people who have gone from Windows XP to Windows 8. Like one of them, I used to talk to everyday and share everything with, and now, I barely talk to them. And when we do's a lot more I'm starting to use 'stranger' shallow conversation as opposed to daily banter and sharing of everything little.

What is this shiez....says Shinee. <33
So has this person changed? No. I'm just not in sync or up to date with their current programming.

So I guess just in general, the person you're most updated with would probably be your partner and your family, followed up by your close friends, then the further you go from the people you're close with, the less updated and the more bugs and differences there are in yours and their programming. A few years away and apart those with different programs...and they might even seem like bugs, or annoying or dangerous malware that you want to avoid. It's not because they've changed badly, it's just their personalities have updated to something you can no longer comprehend.

Stay away you bug. 
So what I'm trying to a really indirect and nerdy way is that everyone changes. And the people who you see more often; regardless if you originally got along better with them or not, you are more likely to converse, understand and maybe work better with those you see often than opposed to those you don't see that often. Even if those that you don't see often used to be you best friend, if you're not updated with their current personality and humor, you may not understand them.

I think it's the same with music as well. Like bands you like...if you keep updated with their music, you understand them more; regardless of the musical quality of their songs. Like Shinee. Yes, I admit that a lot of their songs are average, but the fact that I keep updated on the members, their promotions, and their music, allows me to see past the crappy music, and appreciate their work and effort. It's also a part of fandom I guess; you support your favorite band no matter what stage of musical PMS they're going through.

Moral of the story? Love your friends for who they are, not for the changes you don't understand. To an extent.

If anyone of you turn into a Windows 8 or updated hotmail version of a friend...then...I'm sorry but I'm going to uninstall. Or just become a hermit and not use, or endure minimal usage of this shietty updated version until someone with logical brains comes in with a proper update that or can appreciate? :)

Next time! Back to the endless uni work.

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