Sunday 24 March 2013

Various stages of assignmenting

1. Opening all files
2. Some work
3. Facebook
4. Youtube
5. Closing of youtube
6. Itunes
7. Listening to itunes and youtube in the background. (lyric-->acoustic)
8. Closing itunes and youtube/not youtubing because run out of audio to listen to
9. Procrastineating
10. Gum
11. Tea/Water
11a. Some more work
12. Pee breaks because of 11.
13. Facebook games.
14. No more fb games due to use their time limiting strategies
15. Youtube.
16. Random chatting and not chatting
17. Appreciating the weather and hoping it would be an excuse not to do assignment.
18. Taking back 17 because assignment will be due regardless
19. Procrastiblogging
20. Back to work
21. Dinner
22. Back to work~!

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Syncs and updates-rants, metaphors, and more.

Hey folks~

(*btw, I'm trying to find some pictures for y'all. Not that a block of text isn't different and unique, but yeah. Visuals!)


I finally fixed my ipod! Stupid syncing and updates. Like the problem was that itunes wouldn't recognize it's own baby first generation itouch....thus I had to update everything including re-downloading itunes, updating all the windows updates, and restored my ipod. I don't know if it was a combination, or just the updates, but anyway.

It's annoying. 

Like...why fix something that's not broken? I understand the patches and updates for bugs and shiez, I know they need to keep things innovative and pretty and modern looking....but I don't understand the disgusting windows/microsoft updates. Like...they're simplifying every freaking thing so that's it's unrecognizable and almost childish. Like if you update something to make it MORE user friendly and BETTER LOOKING, fair enough. Like, by all means, go for it. If you can get a seasoned artist to draw a picture instead of a 3 year old (no offense to my niece), go for it. But if you're going to make things more complicated, dumb down the icons so things are cute...and then mess up where everything used to be and make things harder to find...seriously...fuak off. Like dear hotmail, I know you're trying to be modern (or maybe you go bought out or something), but I don't reaaally need a size 42 font subject.

And iTunes as well. Like...I know silver eyeliner and borderless buttonless is in You look like part windows 8. And that's not a compliment.

(And lol just on TV, "Shine bright like a diamond(8), ""What happened to you on that island?""
I see what clever rhyming you did there, TV commercial people.)

Don't worry Jong.
I will never ignore your updates or tell them to remind me in a day.
 Unless you're getting married.
Unless it's to me. <3
But yes. Update people...remaker people...try again please.


On the more metaphorical philosophical note...I have decided to metaphor people as software and updates. You know how windows and LoL always have like...weekly updates? I reckon that's like people as well. Point being that the more often you hang with people, the more you are able to hang out with them and understand them because you are constantly updated (sometimes daily, weekly), and thus are up to date not only with what they are up to, but also their personality and jokes.

I don't think I'm the only one in saying that sometimes I feel like I'm really close with someone, then something happens and I don't see them for awhile, and then suddenly when I go back to see it months or years; it feels like that closeness is gone, and I feel like I'm lagging behind their life and personality updates. Talking often also feels a bit awkward. Most people would say that that person 'has changed', but in reality, everyone is changing everyday; it's whether or not you are updated with their personality changes.

For example, I see my badminton group every few weeks or so, so I'm somewhat updated with their personality, thus it's somewhat easy to start up a conversation or joke around. Like my boyfriend as well, I talk to him daily, so I know almost to the kB what his current humor and personality is like. In contrast, one of my friends, I hadn't seen her in like a year. We used to tight as...and now...I know I should be able to become close to her again with effort, but at this exact point in time, our conversations are a little forced and a little awkward. I'd say we're outdated versions of iTunes  Slightly awks, but with a bit of fixing, has the potential to be good as new.

In the other end of the scale, there are the people who have gone from Windows XP to Windows 8. Like one of them, I used to talk to everyday and share everything with, and now, I barely talk to them. And when we do's a lot more I'm starting to use 'stranger' shallow conversation as opposed to daily banter and sharing of everything little.

What is this shiez....says Shinee. <33
So has this person changed? No. I'm just not in sync or up to date with their current programming.

So I guess just in general, the person you're most updated with would probably be your partner and your family, followed up by your close friends, then the further you go from the people you're close with, the less updated and the more bugs and differences there are in yours and their programming. A few years away and apart those with different programs...and they might even seem like bugs, or annoying or dangerous malware that you want to avoid. It's not because they've changed badly, it's just their personalities have updated to something you can no longer comprehend.

Stay away you bug. 
So what I'm trying to a really indirect and nerdy way is that everyone changes. And the people who you see more often; regardless if you originally got along better with them or not, you are more likely to converse, understand and maybe work better with those you see often than opposed to those you don't see that often. Even if those that you don't see often used to be you best friend, if you're not updated with their current personality and humor, you may not understand them.

I think it's the same with music as well. Like bands you like...if you keep updated with their music, you understand them more; regardless of the musical quality of their songs. Like Shinee. Yes, I admit that a lot of their songs are average, but the fact that I keep updated on the members, their promotions, and their music, allows me to see past the crappy music, and appreciate their work and effort. It's also a part of fandom I guess; you support your favorite band no matter what stage of musical PMS they're going through.

Moral of the story? Love your friends for who they are, not for the changes you don't understand. To an extent.

If anyone of you turn into a Windows 8 or updated hotmail version of a friend...then...I'm sorry but I'm going to uninstall. Or just become a hermit and not use, or endure minimal usage of this shietty updated version until someone with logical brains comes in with a proper update that or can appreciate? :)

Next time! Back to the endless uni work.

Monday 18 March 2013


Hello there!
Seeing as uni is my lyfe now, you can have a look at what I wear. =D

Uni outfit: Red tank to amplify the sweatshirt design,  I ended up choosing black shorts over jean a comment on my shorts being short again. Although from an 'Asian''s fine/makes my legs look longer. >D Hair tied up because I wanted it kinda neat ish/I need to wash my hair >D 
Hey guess what~~ I just found out you could turn off sound notifications for whatsapp. Deeerp.
And is it just me or has facebook added a new notification sound? ._.

But yes! Hello readers! Welcome back to the procrastiblog of awesomeness.

Hmm. So things that I've done recently...

Had dinner out with the state high group last week. It was really good seeing everyone again, and I have to say that we have an awesomely diverse group. We have a dentist, a lawyer, a pharmacist, an optometrist, an architect, a film director, and a psychologist. 

Awesome people are awesome. =D
But yes. I need to remind myself never to order spicy food at a Korean restaurant. Everytime I get cocky and think I can handle it, but it always ends up with the food being both too hot (i.e. in a hot stone bowl) and spicy; amplifying itself and thus, making it hard to eat. Like I can't even taste the food, and I'm barely chewing because it's so spicy. Thus results in slight bloated/bad digestion. 

Really spicy squid dish
Then uni uni uni uni uni uni.

Theeen...on the weekend decided to make a Tiramisu cheesecake with the whale. Used a recipe from The whole freaking day was spent on cooking. From the morning to night, we went shopping for groceries, made cheesecake, made lunch, made cookies, then made dinner. ._. Enough cooking to satisfy me for like....a few months. 

To the arteries!
 I found a cake tin! =D I hope the cheesecake turns out's sitting (decorated) in the freezer right now. :3
For lunch, we had tuna, egg and cheese sandwiches. It's pretty healthy, topped with black pepper and salt =D Oh, and some sun-dried tomatoes. (this is actually for the day after, I decided I couldn't think of anything to eat for lunch so I re-enacted the lunch the day before, plus salad leaves =D)

We made dinner too! Whale did the steak and I did the veggies and the rice. 

Salad, corn, broccoli, and steak
 Cooking is so tiring. Prep, cooking, dishes. It's like you think it's over and you can enjoy your food, but lol jokes, you have to do the dishes!


Sunday was a super procrastinating day.  I was going to dedicate it all to study, but ended up doing a lot of other things. I worked on my mirror, practiced piano, made lunch, watched and downloaded youtube and music...

Focus was like...0.

But hey, I can kind of play the beginning of Dazzling Girl! =D
This still needs a lot of practice so plz don't judge too much. kthx.

Alright, going back to optics. Ttyls~!

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Types of Intelligence

Hi there!

(btw this is a post I started ages ago, I only got to finishing it recently xD. And I decided to add a few random SHINee pictures because I didn't really want a whole bunch of randoms from google images to be on here)

So today I shall be discussing types of intelligence. 

For those unfamiliar with this word, here's the definition copy and pasted from dictionary dot com.

  [in-tel-i-juhns]  Show IPA
capacity for learning, reasoning, understanding, and similar forms of mental activity; aptitude ingrasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc.
manifestation of a high mental capacity: He writes with intelligence and wit.
the faculty of understanding.
knowledge of an event, circumstance, etc., received or imparted; news; information.
the gathering or distribution of information, especially secret information.

The reason why I decided to bring this up is because I am currently studying optometry at uni, and frankly, it makes me feel really dumb sometimes. =D

Well not dumb in the sense that I think I am dumb? I just feel as though my brain is more retarded in certain aspects than others. Like seriously, maths and physics seem like slippery gel to me in terms of getting into my brain. For example in class when a teacher is explaining anything to do with maths and trends and calculations, or converting, I feel like I lag behind everyone else. Like today in optics, I can't do those 1/f=F calculations in my head. If you give me an F, I need to write down the whole equation and convert it.
Learning Intelligence~

Thus  have come to the general belief that there are a few different types of intelligence, and that people either have one, or a combination of such types. This is still a theory I'm still kind of developing, but what I have so far is that some of the major types of intelligence consist of the following:
  • Learning intelligence 
    • maths (number based)
    • science (theory based)
    • other (coordination based)
  • Thinking intelligence
  • Social intelligence

And when I refer to intelligence in regards to the above, I am referring to the amount could say 'talent' a person has in these types of intelligence; i.e. without excessive prior experience or practice.

How fast can you learn choreo?
Learning Intelligence

I feel that learning intelligence is one of the things I am less capable. I define this intelligence as the ability to pick up something quickly; i.e. a new concept in maths. This is a large aspect of learning and comprehending under pressure. I also believe that learning intelligence can also be divided into sort of subgroups, and the groups that I've observed consist of maths and science. I've talked to few fellow classmates, and I think a few of them are similar in the fact that they understand and love biology, but find physics and/or maths related topics more difficult to comprehend. Thus I think some people absorb numbers much more easily, whereas other people absorb biological concepts and theory more easily. For example, I completely understand and find the interaction of hydrogen and oxygen, and their polar ends, and find that fascinating, and how the rings of electrons like to jump from high to low energy, but if you chuck in some angles or ___ oxygen plus ___ hydrogen, or the number of electrons that are meant to be in a ring that already has  ___ electrons, it immediately makes the problem significantly less interesting and more of a bother to think about.

The 'other' aspect of learning intelligence that I have observed probably has a bit to do with body coordination. This specifically refers to people's capability of being able to learn to do something with their body; i.e. instruments, sport, dance, etc. Some people can pick things up really quickly, whereas other people have to practice something significantly before they can nail it. I believe I am the latter, and my latter ability increases with the amount of physical power and coordination involved. (i.e. I am more comfortable with learning instruments than learning how to do something with my whole body)

Thinking Intelligence

I think the majority of my intelligence comes with thinking intelligence. Like I feel like my brain is always running, and sometimes it runs to the point where I can almost feel it's exhaustion, and I need to completely distract myself with something I don't need to think about. Thinking intelligence, I think, involves a lot of concept and logic and reasoning with not time restriction. Like if something doesn't make sense, you keep thinking about it until it does, or you find a reason that fits, or you think until you're too tired to think anymore. I think a lot of the more mature ways of thinking about things and considering things comes about from thinking intelligence, and regardless of your learning intelligence; if you ponder about certain concepts, you will come to the most correct solution eventually; regardless of how long you spend. I also find the no pressure aspect much more comfortable to think in.

Ohoho...Jong looks like a thinker as well=D

Social Intelligence

I think social intelligence is one of the hardest things to master; and is both a combination of thinking and learning intelligence as well as something you are just born with, or without sometimes. (i.e. Taemin is probably one of those born with social intelligence; he knows how to say funny and cute things without trying or being aware). High social intelligence involves being both logical and creative; logical enough to say something relevant but not boring, and creative enough to say something interesting and perhaps quirky, but not to the point where it seems strange or irrelevant. (i.e. some paintings are creative, whereas some paintings can be a real 'stretch' for the average audience to comprehend it's meaning)

I view strong social intelligence as the ability to say or do the right thing at the right time in a social setting, i.e. saying something relevant, knowing when to crack a joke, knowing when not to crack a joke, knowing what to joke about, knowing what questions to ask, knowing when to do something physical. I believe that social intelligence is also highly influenced by your confidence; i.e, if you're more confident, you are more likely to say something funny, or do something funny at the right time. Social intelligence also involves filtering out what goes through your head, and what goes out your mouth.

Social intelligence can really amplify your career as a kpop idol.  Ahh...onew condition. ^^''
Ofcourse, there are also many other factors that affect social interactions; i.e. the group of people you hang out with, their interests, norms, etc. For example, you might seem really quirky in one group, or really cool in another. Some jokes that might be hilarious in one group might cause little question marks to pop up in a huge thundercloud over another's. Some statements may make sense to one group of people who have interest in a topic, whereas some statements might make no sense (i.e. gaming references, political references, etc). It all depends. Thus I reckon someone with a high social intelligence knows what to say to keep conversation and interaction going for all sorts of social groups, whereas someone with average social intelligence might seem quiet because their smart enough to not say anything so that the atmosphere doesn't become awkward. Thus at the end of the scale, someone with low social intelligence would say whatever they want to say regardless of the social setting; which might prove offensive or awkward, or irrelevant to the social group.

As for my social intelligence...I'd guess I'm probably average? In certain groups (i.e. those who I have more common interests with, or similar thinking) I probably have more social intelligence because I can make a lot of retarded references that people understand, whereas in other groups, all my quirks are shot to the bottom. In those cases, I generally am quieter, and contribute when I have something relevant/ something not too quirky or irrelevant to say, even though a lot of random things pop into my head.

So yes, that is my quirk of the day. What sort of intelligence do you have? How does your social intelligence fair? Are you a maths, science, or physical learning intelligent person?

I leave you with my wallpaper.  Kinda fits aye? =D

Sunday 10 March 2013

Life's Lately no Koto

Hey readerbabes. =D 
Genki da ta?
Currently listening to: 24/7 by 2Yoon

So it's probably about time I've updated with some actual life pictures and things I've been up to. =D So let's go via uni weeks.

--Week 1--

Week one was pretty killer. Got back and went right into uni and catching up with people. Like the day th we touched down, we went out for lunch for my cousin in law's birthday with my cousins, and to be honest, I really didn't want to. My cousins are more of the strong opinion-ed type, and it's kind of tiring to hang around them sometimes.

But yeah, then day after was straight into uni. First lecture was the mark of the beginning of our 3 hour lectures. Pretty much for this semester, all of our lectures are 3 hour ones. One of the subjects has the potential of being 4 if the lecturer wishes to invoke the 5-7pm slot. Hopefully it'll never have to resort to that, but who knows. :O 

We went out with the UQ people for dinner to celebrate the opening of a new restaurant managed by Spam's dad on the Weds first week back.  It was pretty nice; looked really classy, although it was pretty quiet. The food was quite nice though. I got bored afterwards and made over my dish once I was full. =D 

Hainan Chicken Rice
Hainan Chicken Rice version 2.0 =D
Mom's bday was on Friday so we celebrated by going out for lunch at a new Japanese restaurant. To be honest, the food was kind of average even though the restaurant looked very classy. The oysters seemed over fried, and the fish seemed unfresh. We had a nice time just the 3 of us cam-whoring (yay for auto timer). I think my mom really enjoyed it because she doesn't really go out as much.

The awesome aussie trio
Fried oysters...really? :( 
 I ordered a teriyaki chicken. The presentation of the food was nice, but it's the little details that were lacking...but not the sort of tolerable lacking? Like unfresh fish, burnt things, isn't that nice, and is quite memorable.
Oh, it was also interesting how they had those hot pot fish balls and fried tofu cubes as one of their side dishes (bottom left in the picture below)

Teriyaki chicken and side dishes
Happy Mom!
 Then afterwards we chilled at home, and we brought out the awesome ice cream taro cake we bought from Breadtop. I was really impressed. Usually Breadtop's cakes aren't amazing; they have really nice cream, but the cake portion tastes like slightly dry cake or slightly heavy white bread. However, for their new range of ice cream cakes, I have to say the presentation was impressive. They had chocolate swirls on the side, frozen strawberries, and a really well written Happy Birthday Mom in mandarin as well as English.

Ice Cream Taro Cake
The layers from out to in consisted of taro cream, taro cake, and taro ice cream. Mom really liked the ice cream because she kept going on about how nice it was; which it was nice and not too sweet, though I actually was on cooldown from taro so I thought it was alright. But overall it was good, and I'm keen on trying the other ice cream cake flavors (like matcha green tea !!) 

Taro ice cream cake
Then later that night, I had my late birthday dinner thing for uni. It was kind of awkward because a lot of people cancelled, but the good thing was that some other people happened to be in city and filled in the seats (so it didn't look like we were obnoxious and hogging seats that weren't being used). It was nice hanging out with everyone again, and one of the friends made cupcakes for a bday cake thing and it was pretty nice. We went to Little Singapore...again ~~(:

Optom peps! Lil siiiis =D 
Yay for nice people making cake :D 

My friend try to be classy. Always.
Oh and I had a date and Whale made me salmon. :) It was goood.


---Week 2--

Week 2 was...pretty much trying to stay on top of things so that I didn't die as much as I did in week 1. Uni is pretty full on, and spending time on other things detract from uni, which puts more pressure on finishing things. And even though I have Friday off, it means that everything is due Monday-Thursday. Thus Friday is now a healing day, because usually by Thursday night, I am pooped as. 

Yesterday we had a big group cooking event thing. When I was overseas, I think it became kind of a tradition? Although I don't know if I approve of not sharing the costs of things for each day (atm it's rotational, so it's implied that you will contribute sooner or later)Although atm I don't really have a job so I can't really complain to my inner Asian atm.

The hangout was rather big. I don't know if I like hanging out in such a big group all the time to be honest, because it's just really loud and takes up a lot of energy. xD I think my favorite group hangouts are just a few close friends. Although a group hangout does have it's own diversity and entertainment. 
Preparing wontons
Playing games

'Iron chef' of the night
 After cooking and voting, we played some logo game for a few hours, and then had jelly and ice cream for dessert. Then everyone went home.

Aaaand today...went to study and then am back home and I should be studying but instead I'm blogging! And not only am I just blogging one entry, but I've blogged a few entries this weekend instead of studying! Probably going to regret it during the week....but oh well. Hey at least I started my schoolwork today that's due Tuesday and Thursday so I'm not at a complete negative productivity today. =D

Anyway sleep time! Till next post readaaahs~~


Picture Whore.

Visual Post. 

As a half artist, I think I notice things very visually? In art, to study an artist's technique and style, you can stare at a picture for a good 10 minutes just analysing it. Thus I think that habit might have carried on to my current self. Like if I see something that's pretty, or interesting or good looking, I can stare at it for quite a bit without getting bored. (This can be potentially dangerous when it's a person >D).

Thus I've noticed that I'm a bit of a picture hoarder, and thus I've decided to go through the random assorted stashes in my computer and pick 4 pics that I still find pretty appealing to give you a bit of insight. =D (slash I think a lot of my pics are on my HD and I can't be bothered to go plug it in and find them.

Everything from kpop to art to whatever. These are all photos I could stare at for a while.

1. Jonghyun with puppy dog eyes.  
This photo. is the freaking cutest thing ever. Jonghyun usually has these sexy half open eyes, and just...just saying, this girl must be pretty as heck. Just the way his es pop out and are so shiny and round; is such a contrast. 

2. IU just being gorgeous
I think IU was one of the first female celebrities that I thought was drop dead gorgeous. I think it wears off for awhile, but this is one of the pictures that I thought was almost flawless. Her eyes are so nicely shaped and amplified and bright. and her skin is so clean and fresh, and her hair is cute and styled, and her eyebrows are soft yet defined. Her lips are such a soft bright, yet feminine pink, and her eyes just look into you soul and melt it. =D
3. Averaged beauty amongst faces of Korea, China, and Japan respectively
This photos is a combination of the most beautiful celebrities, both male and female, of Korea, China, and Japan respectively. What I love about this photo is that if you stare at each of the faces individually, you can almost match each of them up with a personality from a drama or someone you know. And that sort of personality is almost cliche in dramas of the respective countries. 

For the females, the top left seems liksome Korean royalty, set in a wintry background; adorned in delicate jewels, or even the casual main female role in her modern home, realizing her feelings for her male counterpart.  Top middle is like your classy Chinese woman, who holds herself in a flowy traditional Chinese dress of sorts with dangling white earrings, perhaps playing some Chinese instrument or flying around in a bamboo forest. Top right has that air of your classic cute Japanese girl who has that sort of...I don't know what it's called, but when their teeth are not very straight, but very cute. when they smile. She could also have that hint of the really energetic and young Japanese school girl, or the air of a mature Japanese housewife.  
 For the males, the bottom left has those classic masculine Korean eyes, and you can see him almost falling in absolute love with the girl on top, both either as her prince, or as a business man working at his office. The bottom middle seems like your classic Chinese prince or soldier with his sword, or fighter with his hair tied up in a bun, or office worker. The bottom right seems like the classic Japanese man who is mature and protective, and has the most heartmelting smile when he sees the girl he loves. =D

4. Pocahontas cosplay.  
I know a few people find cosplay kind of strange and obsessive to a degree, but to be honest, I find a good cosplay quite admirable and beautiful. Although my shallow definition of a good cosplay wold definitely be a person who fits the body type and general face of the character they are trying to portray (which is in more cases than not, supposed to be quite slim and attractive). What I love about this particular cosplay is that this woman's body type and face shape fits exactly like the unique shape of Pocahontas, i.e. the slightly square shape with the long and elegant neck,and the full dark lips. Another thing I appreciate in a cosplay is realistic colors, because in essence, what you're trying to portray is 'if your character was real life', thus those sort of unnatural colors seem to put me off. Thus the colors in this cosplay are quite natural looking, i.e. the necklace isn't the exact same bright shade of unnatural blue as in the movie, but it is slightly toned down to a turquoise color. Oh and I also love how her skin color absolutely glows and contrasts beautifully with the dark green grass in the background. And the pose is very elegant and natural. Well photographed. You can be a babe cosplayer yet take a bad pose and have a completely different effect. 

Friday 8 March 2013

Why 'You're Beautiful' is such a beautiful drama.

This is another one of my review-like posts, so you might as well go back to facebook or youtube if you don't want to read it. =D

This post is about the Korean drama, "You're Beautiful"!

Main cast of "You're Beautiful"

The reason why I'm suddenly posting about this drama is because I recently re watched it whilst I was in Taiwan, and even though it was in slightly horrendous Chinese dubs, it is still such a full and complete and touching drama that does so much justice to what it portrays, and I highly recommend it for people who haven't watched it, or have watched it a long time ago and have forgotten what it's about.

-----------------------------Spoilers below---------------------------------

So the drama's general plot is that a twin sister is substituting in for her twin brother in a music band in order to buy time to cover for her brother's surgery that went wrong. There's another subplot that's slightly more complicated involving mothers and daughters and sons, but since I was watching the Mando version, I didn't really catch onto that so I shall just ramble about the main and better plot. <3. The subplot is good in the sense that it rounds out and makes the drama full, but it's not that interesting and is slightly more cliche.

So yes. Let us begin with analyzing the characters of this awesome drama. The best dynamic personality portrayals of this drama (in my opinion) are:
  • The ego stuck up bastard who is squish on the inside. 
  • The friend zoned guy who is amazing, but unlucky 
  • The well intentioned girl who must administrate the friend zone 
  • The generous happy one who lives to bring smiles to everyone
  • The 'bitc* who cannot get what she wants.
What I really like about these characters is that they actually reflect common and real personalities around us today. Also to me, some of them reflect really admirable personality traits that I think viewers can perhaps take into consideration to improve their own personalities and ways of thinking.

--The Characters--Introducing A.N.GELL.--

The Ego and one of his rare smiles
The Ego. 
Name: Hwang Tae Kyung
Band Position: Leader/Lead singer
Likes: privacy, music, eyeliner, hygiene
Dislikes: dirtiness, shrimp, smiling, body fluids
Personality: Extremely stubborn, egotistical, hates admitting he's wrong, expresses himself through actions, not gooey words, He's very indirect.
Breaking point: Tae Kyung realises that he is a person too, and has feelings, and must express his feelings and fight and ask for what he wants; he can't always assume things are meant to not be, or that its not his fault

Shinwoo (left) and Jeremy (right)
The Friendzoned; 
Name: Shinwoo
Band Position: Supporting vocals , guitar
Likes: Tea, Go mi nyu, being kind, being supportive, making people happy, being a freaking man.
Dislikes: Being rejected
Personality: Extremely kind, yet subtle. Thinks ahead, and appreciates honesty and kindness. Also very indirect, but intelligent.
Breaking Point: A person can only be rejected so many times, and even though Go mi nyu brings him so much happiness, Shinwoo must accept the fact that he cannot bring her the same happiness, and must let her go.

The Happy:
Name: Jeremy
Band Position: Drummer, Supporting vocals
Go Mi Nyu
 ikes: Jolie (his dog), fruit, his special bus, cute hairstyles and clothes,
Dislikes: Homosexual vibes,
Personality: Extremely friendly and happy, naive and caring. Simple minded.
Breaking Point: Jeremy's point is probably one of the weaker ones; but his point was when he had to ignore and hid his developing romantic feelings for Go mi nyu.

The Well-Intentioned: 
Name: Go Mi Nyu (aka Go Mi Nam's twin)
Band Position: Supporting vocals
Likes: Her church, God, working hard, being kind, Hwang Tae Kyung
Dislikes: being an inconvenience, pressure
Personality: Well intentioned, dedicated, hard working, constantly apologetic
Breaking Point: Nyu's breaking point is when she finally realises that it's okay to be a little self orientated...especially when you love someone.

The Bish:
Name: Yoo He Yi
Yoo He Yi
Position: Famous and popular singer and actress,
Likes: Being beautiful, feeling powerful loved, attention
Dislikes: Competition, being ignored,
Breaking Point: I reckon Yoo He Yi is a really well portrayed 'villian' in the drama series because she has many layers. In the end, all she wants is what Nyu has; loving friends and attention (guy attention though), and even though she has the confidence and beauty, she's denied it and doesn't know what to do. Feeling hurt and rejected, her only way to get attention is through blackmail, but in the end, it backfires and doesn't work.

---The Music--

Not to mention that this drama also has an amazing track, although ironic that the only characters who aren't from kpop bands are the lead singer Hwang Tae Kyung, and Go Mi Nam.

NJell - As Ever / Still [You're Beautiful OST]

Although I think the actors did sing the original track, so kudos to those triple threats.
Shinwoo is the main singer from CN Blue, and Jeremy is a singer from F.T Island, and Yoo He Yi is from After School. (C.N.Blue came out with a new song recently that did pretty well and is really catchy, called : I'm Sorry)

--The Acting--

I think the acting was superb in this drama. I reckon it's the perfect Korean drama as in it has it's up moments and serious moments, and both have been executed without over execution. Like a really serious drama without any happy bits is a bit taxing to watch; it's nice to feel that emotion, but overload is really sad (i.e. One Liter of Tears), and a drama that's all fluff and over exaggeration is alright to watch, but sometimes it's too happy for any real plot and character development. (i.e. Dream High 2)

Forever friend zoned Shinwoo Oppa

My favorite scene execution would have to be the one with Shinwoo and Nyu, near the last few episodes when he fully makes his romantic intentions and feelings clear. One of my favorite quotes is when he says, "Before I stepped back to comfort you, and now, I must step forwards to comfort myself." This represented how he had always been helping Nyu in the background by being supportive and dropping hints, and knew that she was unknowingly rejecting him because she always seemed to have a lot going on. Thus he had to step forward and make his intentions clear to make sure that she had no feelings for him; thus he could be content that he did everything within his power and would have no regrets.

My favorite cute scene execution would be the pasta making scene with Yoo He Yi. I'm not going to go into detail about this one, but it was very cute :)

Pasta Scene
--The Plot--

Quoted from my dad, "Korean drama writers really know how to spin plots."
Which in this case is very true. The writer did a very good job in character development and twists that kept the tension and plot going.


Yesh. That's all I have to say about this awesome drama. Go watch it! (Not when you have other priorities obviously). Having watched this drama, I have to say that I probably can relate most to Tae Kyung in terms of personality,  and I should aspire to be more like Go Mi Nyu in terms of kindness and apologising and being a really honest person. (:

Two awesome actors in an awesome drama. 
Till next post!

Sunday 3 March 2013

Suuup Nooabs!

Delicious home food. :) 
Yoyoyoyo. (this is a compilation of a few days, gomen for the messiness! Think of it as a puzzle of piecing together the order of events. :D)


Todaaay is Thursdaaay! Means I don't have uni tomorrow...heck yes!

So yeah, here is the long owed update for le blog. Uni is more tiring this year, I want to actually do well because things that I know now and do now will influence my practice when I graduate I guess. =D


Although I dunno if it's stress or what, but I haven't been sleeping well or feeling tired at night. T_T. Yesterday, I'm pretty sure I was tired, and mind you my cup of coffee was before my 9am lecture. I ended up 'going to sleep' at 1, but actually slept around 3:30am, and still woke up at like 7:05am without my alarm or anything.

My introvert energy is running on power saver mode I think.


But yeah, what else is I'm losing that fire and motivation I found overseas. I can still feel it, but it's a weaker fire. Don't leave me. Give me strength to persevere for my ambitions. =D


So I think I left off at Chinese New Years. Chinese New Years has a lot of small traditions, and I think one of them is going down to the 'Dad's house' for the first few days? Iono, Like in Asian culture, the male is more dominant (i.e. last name, blah blah) So yeh.

Red pockets!
So there are the red pockets, which is pretty much supposed to be given by anyone who has a 'proper' job. (I.e. not studying, or casual, but an actual full time job). It's not restricted to age, so my Dad and his sister and my grandparents (and to each other all exchanged red pockets. The funny thing is it's pretty much giving and receiving money for everyone with jobs. The luckier ones (my sister, my cousin, and me) were the ones who didn't have to give but received. =D No complaints. there. 

Another tradition is kind of...Asian prayer to the ancestors and buddha? What usually happens is that there's an offering of food, (seen in the pick below), and that food is 'eaten' by the spirits. And then you light those incense sticks, stick them in, and wish for happiness, luck, fortune, health. =D

Can you see the design on the brocolli?
So yeah, we spent a few days doing that at Chutung. We also went to this huge arse family reunion where I didn't really know many people. Some of the faces were familiar, but the only people I actually recognized where the family friends that kind of took care of us years ago when my sister and I decided to go for a month to a Chinese school in Chutung. It's one of my fonder childhood memories, and an experience I'll cherish for awhile. (: 

Oh yeah, we also did fireworks at 7am, or some crazy time.


Then the days after were pretty much chilling around Taipei until we set off for Japan. We went around to Taipei 101, and Danshui. (again). Pretty much just eating around. Food sluts.

Matcha red bean pearl milk tea +D 
Mochi hiding in peanut powder
 My sister is the biggest poser I know.

 --Japan Hajimete~!

So dude. Japan. Was the most amazing freaking experience I have ever had. Like ever since...well even America, I've always felt something call for me from Japan. Like I just love how the culture is so different; it's like a different world. I love the unspoken rules, and the respect.

But before that! We rode the freakin hello kitty lover's dream come true. No joke. everything from the pillows, to the safety manual, to the cutlery, the barf bag, and toilet paper were hello kitty. Yes, people wiped their butt with hello kitty's face.
Hello! Kitty! Ahhh!
 The flight to Fukuoka wasn't that long...3 hours or something? Although there weren't many good things to watch on the TV program...I think I ended up watching some old episodes of big bang theory. The food was soso as well, nothing memorable.

First step into Japan. 
So yeah. We were with a tour, so first place we went to was a really Japanese ramen place. I don't think I like being associated with a tour group, because in comparison, Taiwanese and Chinese quite honestly seem rather rude compared to the delicate and consistently bowing Japanese. 

Japanese Ramen
The ramen was delicious. The only problem was we weren't really that hungry after being on the plane, but the ramen soup was so rich, but not overwhelming, and the noodles...and pork. Yum. 


Other highlights of the trip: 

We went to this Japanese town with a temple and a few small shops. The community was awesome in the sense that it was so different and alive. Another thing was, there was soft serve ice cream everywhere. And it was so good. Imagine a McDonalds soft serve, but thicker, and not as sweet, nor as cheap tasting, with more subtle flavors. And green tea potentially. 

Dad-he looks happy. : )

Candied strawberries. 

We also went to Hos ten bois, or something like that. I don't know, but it's a Holland based tourist town located in Fukuoka. I personally didn't like most of it, because it was a lot of Holland based buildings and attractions, and frankly I came to visit Japan, not Holland. >D Although I'm sure for the other tourists who are all Asian and have never properly experienced European culture, it must have been fascinating.

Our tour guide kept recommending that we ate this ramen. It was alright. It reminds me of disney world restaurant food though; looks pretty but tastes kind of average. This was a seafood bowl. Kinda tasted like pasta to be honest.
 But that being said, one of the best parts of the trip was the ONE PIECE LAND located inside Huis Ten Bois. It was amazing. Like it's this little area/peninsula next to the sea, so it actually feels like a part of the anime. They created the section after the Saboady Archipelago arc, and they had all the one piece intro songs playing, and bubbles floating. It was like a dream. =D

Chopper popcorn
 How amazing is this. Like right out of the anime. Usually it's supposed to be driven out, but the engine was under maintenance...or they're just too lazy to drive it out and give tourists that excuse.

1000 Sunnies

Oh sanji, you shouldn't have. 
 For dinner, we went to a Japanese restaurant. I was so hungry that night. But yeh, have a look:

Fried fishcake things

Nigiri and tempura set

We also went to a Japanese castle. It was another one of my favorite parts. What I found most amazing about it is that, compared to Western castles, Japanese castles are both powerful and beautiful. (whereas the impression I got from Western ones was that, as long as you can't shoot me in here I win.)


Salmon snack!..
What else that I found really nice was the amount of family time. Back home, I found that our family time kinda...depreciated to a point where it was almost nonexistent  Like even for dinner, everyone came home at different times (usually me >D), thus everyone kind of just ate dinner at their computers. I think family time is really important in sharing important things that are going on in people's minds and planning for the future. I think I'm making more of an effort to make sure we keep that this year. Because even though the initial thought would be that sitting at the computer and watching tv shows is more entertaining, I find quality family time much more fulfilling and makes you a happier person.

Family feast after dinner :D 
Japanese cake
Matcha ice cream everyday!
 So that's it for Japan. I'm actually being really brief because I'm kind of tired and I want to get this blog out of the way. But I highly recommend going, and I'm sure this will not be the last time. ^^


Back in Taiwan after Japan: My dad took us to this standing Japanese restaurant. The food was delicious and decently cheap, but the main impression I got from the place was productivity and economical standards, rather than the dining experience. I found that a shame because the food was so good, yet it was set up in a way and in an environment in which people couldn't enjoy it to it's full potential.

Ginormous crabs trying to get out
Hand rolls

Yep, that's all from me today. Frankly life has been kind of tiring, and plus it's been raining non stop here at home. There's this huge coagulation of water in our backyard, and we've spent the last two days scooping it out bucket by bucket to make sure that it doesn't overflow to the house. My back is kind of sore and I swear we've at least done 300+ buckets and a few hours of work. Sun we miss you!

I've got a lovely bunch of melon breads, there they are all standing in a row. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head...
 <33 Till next time! Everyone ganbatte ne! And don't forget to cherish and pay attention to all aspects of your life and future; not just the ones that are immediately interesting or attractive.

In the mean time, I will be working on the following. >D It's already mostly gone actually.

Food hoard