Wednesday 6 February 2013



I'm starting to get kinda bored over heeere.

Past two days have been pretty slow. Just bumming around at home and watching tv, sleeping, watching a lot of Shinee on youtube, then going out to dance, then chilling and eating dinner with Dad.

My favorite videos I've discovered over my two day youtube binge: Maxstep and Old Taemin Solo
I love the different and powerful dance charisma in these two routines. Its not as light and fluffy as normal kpop, which exemplifies how talented and diverse kpop dancers can be. In the maxstep routine, there's also Eunhyuk from...idk what band, and Kai fro Exo. I think Kai has made a decent name for himself as a dancer.

and for luls <3

I don't know if I posted this, but this is some of dinner from yesterday or the day before yesterday? It's like a combination of seaweed, pig skin (:D) and dried tofu, and pig intestine.

Lu Wei
 Then the next day I had some microwaved food that we bought the day before from 7-11. It was pretty good for...less than 2 hours.

Lunch from 7-11.

This is from yesterday-it's like salty minced meat with rice. The meat is extra salty and fatty, thus plus the saltiness matches the rice flavor and melts in yo mouth.

Lu Ruo Fan
Green bean soup
Then today for breakfast I had a "Sun Cake/Pastry'', or Tai Yang Bing. It's like a flaky buttery outside with a gooey sweet inside. They're quite popular especially around Chinese New Years I think.

Sun Pastry
 So yeah, then for lunch, I went out with Dad for ramen again. Didn't get a photo on the camera, but it was weird because they gave you one of those hotpot fire things for it...which seemed unecessary. It just seemed like it was overheating and overcooking the ramen. Also, the ramen soup was like, opaque, and really creamy.  A bit too rich for my liking.

Then I napped and went to dance class. I think the normal teacher for today was away on Chinese New year holiday, so we did a basics class, learning how to kind of bounce your body and shoulders to the beat (which is a lot harder than it looks!). We also learned a heal flick step (also seen in Miss A's Breathe at around 4:16). I reckon there's actually quite a bit of technique to be learned from some kpop dances.

Dance studio upstairs. See me? ;D
Then had dinner with Dad at home: 
Ahh I'm going to miss cheap milk tea. Although it's quite a big cup and I finished it. ^^''. Yolooo.
Milk tea for 1 dollar!
Duck soup
 So yeah.

Oh, this is the routine from yesterday with the really cool he/she teacher. Her routines are always more challenging, but she is really talented.

Oh and here's an old video from that danshui trip; this is a busker, and with the night time scenery, I thought it was very auramatic. 

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