Sunday 24 February 2013

Back home!

Will update some other time.


Japan was awesome.
Cousins are tiring.
Making more of an effort to stay on top of things, and keep priorities and ambitions up.


Friday 8 February 2013

26+ 27

I thiink. 26 and 27?

Starting to lose track of days. And sucks cuz it's Chinese New Year, which means everything is closed again. :(

Ahhh  more food. I just wanna go back to dance class. xD

I was working on one of my covers today. I can't wait to get home and work on them properly, cuz my Dad's place is really cramped. xD For luls I decided to try recording and seeing how it looked (no I'm not going to post a video -_-). It looked...really sloppy and flimsy and my arms flop everywhere. Haha! Need to tense my body and cough* abs more I think; looks cleaner. I will perfect it! And then maybe someday post. >D

Anyway my food entry diary for these few days.

omgg fruiiiiit.
I like the green stuff. xD


Wheat germ bread or something? Idk it has raisins

7-11 lunch

Pan fried dumplings aka guo tie


Cute soda


Egg roll thing
 Yeah, pretty much just bummed around at home, youtubed, then went out for dinner with dad. We also went around a few stores, but I don't have that much motivation to shop anymore. My sister is coming back tomorrow, so maybe that motivation will come back. xD

Big chess

Wednesday 6 February 2013



I'm starting to get kinda bored over heeere.

Past two days have been pretty slow. Just bumming around at home and watching tv, sleeping, watching a lot of Shinee on youtube, then going out to dance, then chilling and eating dinner with Dad.

My favorite videos I've discovered over my two day youtube binge: Maxstep and Old Taemin Solo
I love the different and powerful dance charisma in these two routines. Its not as light and fluffy as normal kpop, which exemplifies how talented and diverse kpop dancers can be. In the maxstep routine, there's also Eunhyuk from...idk what band, and Kai fro Exo. I think Kai has made a decent name for himself as a dancer.

and for luls <3

I don't know if I posted this, but this is some of dinner from yesterday or the day before yesterday? It's like a combination of seaweed, pig skin (:D) and dried tofu, and pig intestine.

Lu Wei
 Then the next day I had some microwaved food that we bought the day before from 7-11. It was pretty good for...less than 2 hours.

Lunch from 7-11.

This is from yesterday-it's like salty minced meat with rice. The meat is extra salty and fatty, thus plus the saltiness matches the rice flavor and melts in yo mouth.

Lu Ruo Fan
Green bean soup
Then today for breakfast I had a "Sun Cake/Pastry'', or Tai Yang Bing. It's like a flaky buttery outside with a gooey sweet inside. They're quite popular especially around Chinese New Years I think.

Sun Pastry
 So yeah, then for lunch, I went out with Dad for ramen again. Didn't get a photo on the camera, but it was weird because they gave you one of those hotpot fire things for it...which seemed unecessary. It just seemed like it was overheating and overcooking the ramen. Also, the ramen soup was like, opaque, and really creamy.  A bit too rich for my liking.

Then I napped and went to dance class. I think the normal teacher for today was away on Chinese New year holiday, so we did a basics class, learning how to kind of bounce your body and shoulders to the beat (which is a lot harder than it looks!). We also learned a heal flick step (also seen in Miss A's Breathe at around 4:16). I reckon there's actually quite a bit of technique to be learned from some kpop dances.

Dance studio upstairs. See me? ;D
Then had dinner with Dad at home: 
Ahh I'm going to miss cheap milk tea. Although it's quite a big cup and I finished it. ^^''. Yolooo.
Milk tea for 1 dollar!
Duck soup
 So yeah.

Oh, this is the routine from yesterday with the really cool he/she teacher. Her routines are always more challenging, but she is really talented.

Oh and here's an old video from that danshui trip; this is a busker, and with the night time scenery, I thought it was very auramatic. 

Tuesday 5 February 2013

23-food-dance-kpop ramble

Wheeee almost a month ish ayee.

I made dumplings for brunch! =D Well boiled anyway.

Starting to get desensitised to Taiwan. Like everything is still awesome and cute, but it's no longer new. I find a lot of the clothes the same, a lot of the merchandise the same, etc etc. I'm also starting to not really crave any food in particular...seems like I've already gone through my Taiwan food list. xD

Today was a pretty sluggish day. I slept way too much the night before so I didn't really sleep until 5am...and was chatting to some friends back home who were getting up to go to work or uni. I woke up, watched some tv, ate breakfast, and then started watching Shinee videos on youtube. The best thing about not having youtubed them in awhile is that there's a lot of new videos up. Hohoho. The computer was broken so I didnt' have audio, so I borrowed the ipad and just laid on the bed for few hours watching the oh so cute Taemin. It kinda puts kpop groups in perspective because Shinee is a pretty well seasoned group now, and in their debut days, they were a 'new group' next to 2pm.

Taemin (Shinee) and BoA. Btw, this is one of Taemin's best performances because this was one of his best 'arch back' stand up  executions.

Ahh, now kpop is a whole bunch of new groups with too much skill and not enough originality and audience. I swear companies are coming out with new groups every few months, and I think the debut pretty much judges the death or life of a rookie group.

The kpop industry is a hard place.

Seeing as I didn't really do much besides dance and eat today, imma ramble about kpop for a bit. =D

---Kpop in a nutshell--

But yes, the kpop industry is a hard place. Screw being able to sing, you need to be able to perform, look good, be interesting on talk shows, be able to dance, and be stylish.

All in one person.

And even if you can do all of the above, there's no guarantee that you'll even make it there, or make it big, or even make it to an audience. If you've seen trainee videos (i.e YG Trainees) then you know that potential members and scoped out young, train young, and debut maybe from 16 onwards.

I think a lot of young kids or teenagers have the blind vision of becoming famous and performing with the amount of talent and charisma and the amazing fanbase that kpop idols have. Like yes that is true, but behind the scenes, things are a lot different. It's not a glamourous lifestyle about looking sexy and hot all the time. There's a lot. A lot. of hard work that kpop idols put into their lives. If it's a career that any reader might be considering, I'd probably say, if you think you can put in the effort and the risk, and you think you have what it takes, then by all means go for it. But it's not all fame and fun.
Tayeon for SNSD

I view kpop idols as: pretraining->debut->seasoned debut.

Pretraining: This is already assumed that the company has taken this particular idol or person into training under their wing. This does not mean that the person is guaranteed anything. A trainee is as easily as let go as found. There is a definite surplus in the amount of people who want to become kpop idols, and from what I've seen, there is an ever increasing amount of talent in the rookie groups. Thus as a trainee, if you can't prove yourself unique, talented, dedicated, and on top, then more likely or not, the company will let you go, or never debut you, even after training you for years.

Boyfriend and the 'Lovestyle' concept. One of the more girly ones I've seen.
Shinee and their manly 'Lucifer' concept
Debut: This is probably the make or break of an idol's career, although it's not the complete end if it doesn't go amazing, but obviously your career aspects look significantly brighter if you start out strong. What's most intimidating about debut is that I've seen idol groups who've only debuted one song, and have never been seen again. So that's all your trainee years gone. And with debut, you don't get to chose your songs or your get up. So if you're a guy, and you want to be super hot and awesome and cool like Shinee, you could just as likely be debuted into a girly boy band (early Boyfriend), or maybe in a classical style boy band. Or like T-ara, they get all their not that modest outfits chosen for them, and ther songs and concepts. In kpop, you don't get much of a voice as an artist, almost everything is decided for you by your manager and your company; pretty much all in the aim of money.

Another thing is if your debut does go decently, then your company will likely sign you to a contract. These contracts are not amazing either, and they bind you to your band and your kpop life for the good amount of your young and lively years. I think I've read the SNSD's Yoona has a 12 year contract? So if she signed on when she's 18 (random guess), 12 years later, shes 30, and past her prime. Pretty much her whole life will be SNSD. There's no going back.  And your company doesn't offer you an amazing contract either. As a trainee, most people are willing to take anything just to debut, so your pay and benefits are not awesome; even if you do make it big years later, you're signed onto some crappy contract. Score for the company. They've got years and generations of idols to judge you on, and you've got your one chance to maybe get out there in the world. Then again, your company will give you more attention if you do well though, because you are making money, but likewise if you don't, your company is likely to ignore you, which leaves you...?

So pretty much, debut is trying to make yourself popular, so that you can make money, and that your company will still continue to want you and support you.

SNSD on a talk show

Idols do this in may ways, for example advertising, talk shows, entertainment shows, interviews, performances. To really make it and be popular, you have to be likeable, you have to be humourous, you have to be everything, on top of a singer and performer.

Although that being said, a lot of what is perceived in kpop is fabricated. Including a lot of the idols personalities. And a lot of the shows are staged, rehearsed, planned, even if they're supposed to be 'live'. If your manager tells you to act bitchy, you do. You have no choice. If you decline, they can snap your fingers and have you replaced in a heartbeat.

Sexy IU
Seasoned Debut: I think seasoned debut is where most idols aim for, or are somewhat comfortable. This is when idol groups have made a name for themselves, and have a decent fanbase, and a few comebacks stages (i.e released singles), and maybe a few concerts. The seasoned idols that come to mind are BoA, SNSD, Shinee, Big Bang, Miss A, IU, Ailee. These idols have it going for them, and they have fans who are crazy, buy merchandise, go to concerts, and would flame many relationships.

For these idols, I think it's about maintaining their popularity. They're competing with a lot of the strong new rookie groups that are coming out. However, these idols have the advantage as they already have a good source of income and support, that any song that they come out with is likely to be met with some popularity and thus has an advantage of staying afloat in the mass of new kpop songs being released for what seems like daily.

Many of these idols also have more room to try contrasting concepts, different looks, songs, etc. They usually have a few die-hard fans who will love them no matter how much dignity they are willing to sacrifice. Not to say that some of the new concepts aren't awesome. :D These idols also have to be very cautiious about their image and scandals and perserving their privacy. They also get 24/7 stalkers, minimal relationship opportunities outside thier companies and minimal privacy.

So yeah. My impression of idols in a big nutshells.


Anyway back to Taiwan. So had dance with Mr. Afroo :

Then had dinner at a sushi train with dad. The customer service was kind of lacking. I dont think they should have given us a table, because we didn't really have that much time to eat, and they seemed really eager to clean up and go home.
Aburi Salmon
Sushi train

Aburi flounder


California roll

Monday 4 February 2013



So I think I pretty much slept and then went to dance yesterday, and ate fooods.

Dry vegetarian dry cut noodle
Food night market
Black chicken soup

Minced meat rice
Ice creaam
Ice cream wrap
Portable food van stall

Stir fried noodle in a hotdog roll

Dance routine (girls hiphop):

Next day~

So today I slept 13 hours yessss and then went to dance class, then went out to eat and shop with Dad. Dance was LA style, but it seemed more like a girls hip hop. I think the teacher was a substitute, but she was really nice, although there weren't many people in the class, and I kept derping in the end when it was time to perform in groups.

Have a look at today's routine:

Then afterwards went to Danshui again, this time with Dad to eat and shop. Had the matcha ice cream again...soo good. I'm gonna miss it when I go back home. :( We also had some fish ball soup (the fishballs had meat in them), octopus thing soup, crab, and fish.

Brekkie: taro and pork floss and cheese xD
Octopus/squid thingos
Fishball with meat
Matcha ice cream and danshui

Afterwards we went grocery shopping.
Big daddy pudding. Note the normal puddings in the back and the size of my hand in comparison. 


Milk nougat candy
Dad made mushie soup
Preeeetty much.

Sunday 3 February 2013



Zzzz sick. ._.  Reminds me not to take good health for granted. Going to sleep heaps and hopefully I'll be good enough to finish off my dance classes. >D

Another thing is that I hate windows 8. Like seriously. Wutdahfuaaa.

Went out today (>D) with another guy from optometry and my mom's friend's daughter and my cousin. We proceeded to go to two nerd events: The manga/animation aspect of the Taipei book festival,and the Taipei game show.

First stop was the book expo. We got there way to early, and only to find out when it opened, that it wasn't all that great. Entry was 80 TWD (although we bought it off an obasan for 100...idk). Inside were just a lot of little booths, and a lot of animes and manga's I've never heard of. The naruto one was insanely popular...I think each booth had an entry of 15 ppl at a time, and the line to go into the naruto one went outside. T_T. Sigh Taiwanese and their weird lining up fettishes. I bet the thing wasn't even that good.

Visitor drawn mural 

Yes we are together <3
herp derp

 Then afterwards, we had lunch at the food court near 101. We got there at an awesome time, when all the shops were just opening, thus we got awesome seats and didn't have to fight nor wait in line.

Then afterwards we went to the (slut) Taipei Game Show! It was choc full of seedy old men with cameras. Even camera on sticks. Want to know why?:

Ohh baby. 

Those plastic swords are so worth the wait, and so sexy. I lined up for an hour for the Dragon's Prophet one. It's like a buster sword =D. To get that one, you had to line up, then play the game till you beat one of the big ugly troll bosses. It reminded me of Dragon's Nest, and I felt kinda proud that I knew the wasd controls. Ohohoho. 

Dragon's Prophet and Tharleion or sth swords +D

Oh, and there were also a few average looking girls who forgot to put on clothes making lost dog faces at all the creeps. 

Pose 43
Pose 67

I'm kidding. There were a crapload of showgirls in skimpy outfits, and some of the brands had them dancing, posing, selling, etc. Some of them were quite pretty, but seriously, it seemed like the average seedy gamer's paradise.

Then afterwards I slept, then met up with dad and went back home and had dinner at a local place.

Tofu, Pigs ear, and seaweed

Beef noodle soup