Tuesday 17 December 2013

What is dance to me.

Author's note: I've actually felt kind of demotivated lately, even with dance, and I was just going through my blog posts and I found this draft post that I never published. I think I'm just going to publish it now because it helps me remember my motivation, and hopefully I can share it with my readers so that motivation stays around even when I can't see it.


What is dance to me?

Dance keeps me sane.


Dance....it will never judge you, it will never offend you, hurt your feelings. It is always there as something that you can always choose how much you want to challenge yourself with.

When you feel tired, you can always just enjoy muscle memory.
When you feel like challenging yourself a little, you can learn something easy, or drilling something you're familiar with.
When you feel like challenging yourself a lot, you can learn something you're unfamiliar with, or something complicated, and difficult.
When you feel like pushing your creativity,

With dance...you can choose the emotions you want to feel. You can feel sexy, you can feel swag, you can feel adept, you can feel beautiful, you can feel powerful...and you can share that overwhelming emotion with both your mind and body.

It will never give up on you. Like any dream, it will be there for you, and wait for you, no matter how long, or when.

I just hope I can achieve what I want...with the time I have.


Sunday 17 November 2013

Update ah

Hello there!

So I do realize it has been awhile since I've blogged, so I guess the custom is to say 'apologies', but to be honest, when I see people post things on their pages, youtubes, or walls or deviantart journal entries saying 'Sorry I haven't uploaded anything lately!', doesn't usually phase me that much.

I don't know. Maybe I'm just weird. xD

I'm pretty sure I do think in a rather quirky train of thought a lot of the time so....yeah.

So this journal entry is actually the one I started on for the 'Eyeball' aka, the optometry ball for uni. I know this because I have some photos I've saved onto this entry to kind of bookmark myself in my little hiatus:

(side note....editing the photo positions reminds me how bad blogger.com's photo placementing is T_T so annoying) 

Friends awl dressed up
I went for a red-lip look~!
In all honesty...it actually wasn't that fun. xD It was really just everyone dressed up, looking pretty, and then trying to take as many photos as possible before makeup wears off and eyes and faces get red. It reminded me a little bit of my high school formal. The DJ was pretty crap because all he played was like....heavy rap? And it's like...everyone is dressed so classy...but should be doing grungie hip-hop dancing or something. Oh, and the fire alarm went off in the middle because of the smoke effect machines.

More fotos~!
Main of the night! Chicken...something


So yeah, I'm trying to think of what is in between Eyeball and now, whilst being concise. xD Pretty much the last few months have been really hard core uni. Like I've never been so stressed in my life, because 2nd year is seriously....icky. I talked to a graduated 5th year and she said that 'If you can get through second year, you can get through all the other years." 

Like...I do feel like I am smart , but then...in comparison to everyone else, I do also feel like I am retarded and kinda dumb. T_T. The content is hard...and I've kind of accepted the fact that because I think artistically/quirky/retardedly (however you would like to put it), I don't usually think logically...WHICH DOESN'T HELP IN MATHS AT ALL. =.=

This was the week Mom was away, and Sister bought food yay. I was a hermit at home studying~

Yeah, Ophthalmic optics is a bish.  


Oh, I also got really into dance. It was around midsems that we had a performance...and I was seriously stressed because the organizer (owner...well now ex-owner) of the dance studio/crew was also quite disorganized. Like we learned and performed one section of the dances THREE DAYS BEFORE. T_T. To put that in perspective, dance is a lot of muscle memory when you want to perform, so it's like memorizing a piano piece 3 days before your recital.

Here's our final performance:

It was a really unforgettable experience, although there were a lot of problems. I'm not going to go into much detail about the problems, but long story short, the studio is closed now, and Eejay and I have decided to cut off present and future ties and dependence on the ex-owner because he just wasn't responsible enough. I do miss dancing at the studio, but just, not worth it.

To be honest, I wonder how big of a portion dance will take up in my life now. I guess performing like that...and training like that...really appealed to some dormant dream of mine. But in reality, I think dance will end up being a hobby to keep me fit and maybe invest in, whereas my main source of income and....perhaps fulfillment will be with optometry.


I actually forgot what it's called...but it's the thing you use to mark the center of your lens so that when you cut it, the center is in the right position in the frame. 

Speaking of optom, I got a job at an glasses company! I really love work at the moment because it is both challenging, educational, and the team there is absolutely lovely. There's so much to learn, like there's so many categories and additions and exceptions to each facet of the business, which, along with customer rapport, would probably be the most challenging aspects fr me at the moment.

Like for the lenses, there's basically 3 types. Single vision, bifocals and progressives (aka transitions, but not the photo chromatic ones). I always thought transitions were just the photo chromatic ones, but all the customers refer to progressives as transitions...so as a saleschick I have the responsibility to confirm with them so I don't mess it up. xD

I'll break it down simpler.

Single vision: one aspect i.e. near or far focus
Bifocals: two aspects, i.e. both near and far focus
Progressive: multiple aspects i.e. near graduated to far focus

Simple right? WRONG.

There are like...8 subtypes for each of the 3 listed above, like different lens types, different brands, different coatings...and different prices for every single one.

Oh, and all the private insurance numbers and companies...like to claim you have to enter a whole bunch of different codes for each aspect of the glasses i.e. lens, frame, coating, etc.

Ugh. And there's a lot of technique and natural talent to the sales aspect as well, because in order for the customer to feel comfortable enough with the product and spending that...bigger amount of money, you have to be able to work your wording and comfort around them.


Anyway, have a random pic of the week! Weather's been crazy around here lately, hailstorms and everything. That's all for me at this point in time.

Weather has been pretty crazy around here lately

Saturday 10 August 2013

Reinterpreting the World

Wadderrp sexy bishes.

Today I want to ramble about more philosophical brain blerghs. =D

The one for today is the ability to Reinterpret the World. 
We usually are programmed to live in a negative and competitve world, but that doesn't mean we have to adhere to such standards. 

What does this mean?

Well in my opinion, I reckon reinterpreting the world around you, especially the people and words around you, is a very important skill to keep yourself happy and content with the world. If you reinterpret things with negative connotations, it generally puts yourself at a happier state of mind yeah? And it's always good to have a happier state of mind because it will improve your health mentally, physically, and in the relationships with people around you; including friends and family.

The way I see it, there are different levels of reinterpretation. 

What do you see?
(image from google) 
1. Negative interpretation (Pessimists, I'm talking to you)
2. Connotative interpretation. 
3. Indifferent/Neutral interpretation
4. Benefit of the doubt interpretation
5. Positive interpretation/ empathetic (Optimists ! :))

I reckon most people usually fit under 1-3, with 2 probably being more common.

So let me sort the categories into interpretations of the saying, "The glass is half full, or half empty." With more extremes of course.

1. Glass is half empty. Who the hell took the water, greedy bitch.
2. Hmm. Well I left this glass of water on the table and it's half gone, so someone probably drank it.
3. Oh, the glass isn't the same as before. Whatever, I'll just get a new one/ Kk...whatever.
4. Wow, someone must have been pretty thirsty.
5. Oh hey, there's still water left. Yusss win!. :)

So I find that this sort of interpretation can really influence a person's outlook on life. I find that people who mainly reside in categories 4-5 have the most stable mindsets, and can deal with most situations without any negative impact to their health. 

Allow me to elaborate. =D 


4-5: So yes. Categories 4-5. I am trying to live in this category, because in all honesty, nothing can can shake you once you're in such a positive mindset. Try to think of any situation, and you have the ability to twist it so that it's optimistic and positive. You have the ability to always view people in the most positive light and empathizing with people for being people and having dreams, goals, and normal human desires.

For example:

Road rage-someone cuts front of you and you almost crash into them. 

4. Wow maybe they're just being silly today.
Road rage
5. Wow, that was really lucky that nothing happened. I hope that person is okay, they must be distracted with something, or maybe something really serious happened and they're in a rush. Or maybe they're having a really bad day and not really focusing on being the best driver they can be.

Negative confrontation-someone calls you a bitch.

4. Wow, they must be having a bad day.
5. Hmm. I wonder what's up with them today. Maybe something bad happened, maybe they're really stressed. I hope they're okay. 

For those in category 4, they may not have such strong optimism, but they are willing to think things from another angle, whereas for category 5, they show a deeper empathy and caring and just optimism. Category 5 is no longer revolving around healing yourself, but healing the world around you. 

3. I reckon this category is for the people who just turn off their emotions. I was probably mainly in this category for awhile, especially during my parents' divorce. I refused to feel anything because the negative connotation was to great. Although I did try to reach for category 4 when thinking about the situation, and I think I eventually reached category 5.

This category is alright in the sense of mental health that you don't feel those sorts of negative emotions. I guess the problem with this category is that you don't deal with your emotions, you're not going anywhere. You're just static because you refuse to be dragged backwards, but you're not moving forwards with positive energy either. You're neither improving nor regressing the situation. These sorts of people probably avoid the situation altogether usually, and distract themselves with something else; be it gaming or art or whatever. The good thing about this category is that it's midway between having a positive and negative mindset, so if you push yourself a little bit optimistically, you could develop a pretty stable mindset. 

1-2. Those who fit under categories 1-2 often end up feeling a lot of unnecessary negativity towards people and life, which also end up damaging themselves. Like they feel more self-pity that the other categories, which drags them down moving forward and strongly in life. For example, if someone called you a 'bitch', categories 1-2 would immediately respond with anger and probably reflect that same negativity back to the person who said it to them. They'd probably respond with something along the lines of 'Excuse me a$$whole?'. And thus would create a lot of negative emotion which would damage their lives in general. If you're feeling shit, you're likely to share it with the people around you, and if those people are also categories 1-2, they'll also start feeling shit, and then it just becomes a black hole of negativity. Ew.
If only all the category 1-2 people could find and follow this sign, world would be a happier place. :) 

In regards to 2., these people can also interpret things positively. However, the circumstance has to be almost undeniably positive. 


My point of this post is...lighten up people! Life is too short to be unhappy and negative, and I hope that anyone who takes the time to read this post might be able to take some optimism with them, because I feel like having an optimistic mindset is such a light and freeing feeling. It makes life a lot happier and a lot more worth living, and I really want to share that feeling with everyone.

Lots of love ~ till next time !

Aneeta out~...watch the video below and laugh a little. :) 

And appreciate art. I love the creativity in the video below. :)

Monday 5 August 2013

General Update ~

Hey folks~

Blogger's note: 
Back to studies ! But also balancing new commitments. :3

A lot has happened since my last proper update...I guess for my readers, read onto your own discretion? I don't know how appropriate it is to go into detail about personal life...when it's bad I suppose. But I guess from now on, I'm trying a stronger approach to sharing the good things in life. Sharing happiness and success and all that good and optimistic stuff because seriously, in life, do you really want to waste your time being angry or mad or depressed or sad or regretful? Ain't nobody got time for that. ^^

For myself...I know I've made some mistakes and hurt people along the way. I apologize, and as good and moralistic of a person as I try to be, I do have some pretty big flaws. Well, depending on your definition of flaw I suppose. Like what may be a flaw to one person, might be perfectly neutral, acceptable, or even looked up to by another.

Although I'm not trying to talk myself out. I do admit I've done some things I'm not proud of, but in the end, I can only work on from here on out to become a better person, and learn from my mistakes. Like what Rafiki said, are you going to dwell on the hurt in the past, or just learn from it.

I'm prepared to face the consequences of my actions with full commitment and energy. Always positive energy towards the good or bad consequences. 


So lately I've been doing a lot of dancing. xD On top of uni things. I've sort of distanced myself from my previous activities for a bit and just focused on dance...because of personal issues and plus I has no monies. =.= My work place closed down...fml. It was pretty funny because my boss messaged me on fb chat...which in the past usually meant he wanted to call me in to do a shift, but instead he was like, "Oh by the way, just letting you know we closed down yesterday night."

And I was like....the faaq?

I'm kind of sad ! Because it was my first work...and I learned a lot from that job. Like seriously, I feel a bit of nostalgia. I remember when I first started working there in year 10 as a work experience for free...and I was so nervous, and really over achieving. I'd get really anxious when I had to talk to anyone, and had to muster up so much courage just to greet customers because I was so shy. Thus the job really expanded my comfort zones in social environments. Like I used to walk home smiling because I was so proud that I actually....talked to people and made conversation with randoms LOL. Later on in the years I got pretty comfortable...but yeah.

Gonna miss these 
I also learned how to balance work and other commitments...like I used to always think that the bossman was king of the world, and I should do everything to suck up to him? Like...not legit, but I thought I was supposed to show him an undeniable respect...or something. Maybe it was from watching too many Asian dramas...or something. Then I learned later on that a good employee relationship means that the worker also can have rights and decline things...without being fired or whatever? It sounds silly but it's true. xD Like...it's so easy to give yourself completely and give too much for something you want to work towards and progress with, but if you give yourself too much, then people will take you for granted. That applies to all relationships, not just work relationships as well.

So easy to just...want to give all the time. But in the end it will bite you in the ass.

I also learned that hard work pays off. Like if you work hard, your boss might not notice everyday, but when he does, it gradually builds up your work...like...dignity and honor and reliability. And then you start going from just getting paid to actually wanting to do your best because you have that sort of employer's relationship where you want good things for him too xD And sales no longer just become the boss's, but your own. Like from achieving something for someone else to achieving something for yourself at the same time.

Gonna miss this view :( 
But yeah. Sadly unemployed at the moment, and it's so hard to find a job via resumes these days. :( Monies zzz. At the moment I actually do want to work maybe a couple days a week so I can have my own spending and saving up money...but at this rate, I might have to end up going for youth allowance. I actually would prefer work, but ironically youth allowance is more available than jobs at the moment? =.=. And I feel kind of bad when my mom gives me allowance...because you feel more free to spend the money you earn, rather than the money people give you.


 Anyway the fun part of my update is all the dance I'm doing now. :) LIKE MY NEW SHIRT GUYS.

:o filming !

Loljks that's not me. xD Meet Jay Park !

Naah that pic was for filming a promotional video for Function Crew/ FO Studios, which is a new dance studio/group that I joined recently...mostly courtesy of JP above. It was mainly because of bkpfm that I ended up being a part of Function crew. I think it was because I stayed back late one day to practice because I was really motivated that day...and met Boss Psy and Jay and was offered to join and I was pretty keen as beans so. =D

Now instead of my weekends being full of what to do, I'm usually dancing both days and maybe a day or two during the week. It's really exciting because it's finally dancing towards something, rather than dancing as a hobby at home and hoping there would be an opportunity one day to explore it. I'm really glad I threw myself out there and joined bkp because I'm not just waiting for an opportunity now, I'm living it, and I feel so lucky. Sometimes it's easy to forget and take things for granted, but in all complete honesty, I am so lucky to have met these people. Out of the blue. Dropped out the sky. I don't know what I did to deserve such luck, but I promise I will make the most of it. 

Boss Psy (left) and Camera man =D Cameraman's wife is so cute by the way. 

At the moment, the songs/choreo have been decided for a September performance...and I'm pretty excited to start practicing. The only thing that kind of sucks at the moment is I can actually feel the amount of dancing taking a toll on my body sometimes? Like I guess in the past I kind of took my body for granted and just assumed that its' energy would be limitless as long as I had the mental motivation. However, some days I actually do feel like...a bit weird in the knees...like maybe slight overuse? :( So sometimes even though I actually do just want to dance full out, I take it easy and just watch choreo videos or do something else. I wish I could just dance full out all the time, but I guess I also realise more now how dancers need to take care of their bodies if it's going to last me the rest of my life.

Have a look at some of the routines/choreo that we're going to be performing for Function Crew:

Yay I finally have an opportunity to learn and practice a girly dance xD

New...crazy sw@g song

So sexy <3 

etc...there's some others, but guess you'll have to be there to find out. :) Ahh so much to learn!


Freaking DA and ophthalmic optics =.=
Hmm. Oh and uni I suppose. Second semester yay! *sarcasm*. This semester we're doing 3 course specific (i.e. optometry) subjects, and pharmacology. Apparently 2nd semester is supposed to be the hardest...but who knows aye. Although I do have to say the equations and calculations for visual science are really annoying...and of course the lecturer would decide to put the first 3 weeks of slides on a blue pdf background file. So naturally my printer tried to shit itself so I ended up just trying to take really cruddy notes because I'm a stingey Asian with no job and I don't want to pay for coloured printing.

I hope everyone does well. There's a 3rd year who's taking visual science again...so I guess this semester might be as hard as everyone says it out to be.

Oh well. I just need to balance things out I guess. And I think I have more motivation to force myself to study now and focus because I don't want to cut down my dancing time because I was busy catching up with my studies, nor do I want to feel guilty about dancing because of studies.

I think I've decided to drop badminton for the time being though, in order to keep up all my commitments. Like I've got uni, fo dance, bkp dance, lion dance, relationships, and badminton and study time to balance...and I think at the moment I'm gaining least from badminton? Baddie costs money, and it's not as fun as it used to be because there's less people who go now, which means we don't get our little break times to practice cover dances or socialise like we used to. And also, it's not like I really want to achieve anything with baddie it the future, it was mainly paying money for casual exercise and socialization. Freeing up Tuesdays should ease out my time a bit more; and give me some time to just chill at home or do things I want to such as game, blog, or clean.

Ah I'm so sleepy. Probably going to go take a nap after I finish the entry. I woke up at 6am this morning to finish off my graded tutorial questions for pharmacology.

Speaking of sleeping and waking up, I think I prefer Morocca over Nescafe! I reckon Nescafe has a more...like burnt coffee flavour to it.


Anyway I'm pretty sleepy now, so I shall leave you with my uni style at the moment. xD I really couldn't be bothered to put in my contacts this morning because I'm to the point where I'm comfortable enough with my uni friends that I can just be comfortable with what I wear, rather than looking good.

We've got our optometry ball coming up soon, which should be heaps fun. Sigh, need to stop eating crap so my skin can be as clear as it can be.

Anyway, thanks for reading, till next time folks! Remember to stay positive, hardworking, and smile. =3

P, out~!

Friday 26 July 2013

Music Dance and Expression

Hey all!

I have a short philosophical rant! And it's about music.  

So what is music? You know what, I don't even know. Some genius ape man back in the dinosaur and mammoth days probably started banging on some rocks and made weird noises with their voices. Maybe used some sticks, used their bodies.

The...ethereal quality of music....?

That ape man was genius. Like...I don't think life would be worth living without music. It'd be like living life in plain black and white (not even grayscale), vs color. Or living life blurry compared to HD.

Blurry and clear. Without and with music.
image from http://theonlywaytoeatanelephant.blogspot.com.au/2012/08/blurry.html

I guess the way I view music now is a form of expression. Whether it be creating it or experiencing it...it's expression of one's personal feelings and emotions that those plain black and white words we speak cannot achieve.

At the moment, I reckon there are 3 main ways of expressing yourself through music, with differing amounts of energy expenditure.

1. Writing/Singing
2. Instrumental
3. Dancing 

However, for me, the ability to express music is in that order in terms of expression magnitude. When you're singing, you're just involving your vocal chords and your ears, not much of your body is involved. When you express via and instrument, your fingers, and maybe lungs are involved. But for dance, everything is involved...and you can release your emotions in every fiber of your being. That for me, is my ultimate goal...would be an inexplicably...calming and amazing? To release that energy...and pass it on to people...

Ahhh there's so much to musicality though, and depending on what you emphasize or diminish, can also express your train of thought. Like choosing what lyrics, bringing out which melodies, which harmonies....choosing to amplify lyrics or the rhythm...choosing which.

I dunno.

As Dumbledore said,

"Ah Music! A magic far beyond what we do here."


Saturday 20 July 2013

General Update

Soooooo Haii guys! 

It's uni holidays and I've been having a blast xD. I don't think I've updated in awhile...because I was going through my old camera photos and the ones I haven't uploaded were back from swotvac.

So here we go xD

Well whale's birthday was around swotvac ish, so I thought I'd have a go at making a cake during the week where I had like..8 days to study for exams.

SO...I was going to try to make Lychee cake. Let's just say it didn't work out...I think the baking powder was like...too old or something. I didn't end up giving it cuz it was like...half the consistency of a cake and a cookie..but I tried? ^^"'

Bought lychees and everything =.=

Finished...result. LOL
Anyway. Yeah. xD

Hmm what else. So holidays started and I decided to finally throw myself out there and join our city's Kpop dance group. It was pretty awkward at first because I actually wasn't supposed to go to the rehearsal that I rocked up to...It was like for their private performance. But yolo. I was just so keen to dance that I pretty much didn't really care how much awkward I had to go through. xD

It was fun tho, we ended up learning Janus by Boyfriend. First 40 seconds of it anyway.

And yeah, so I guess I kinda fit in with my own quirkiness and ended up pretty much going for a week consecutively to all their dance rehearsals and classes. It was like kpop dance camp 10-4pm. So much fun. Like I didn't even want to eat during breaks because they'd play random music, and I'd be waiting for a song I know, cuz I reckon it's so much more fun when you dance with other people.

Although I think there's a bit of social hierarchy in the dance group, but I guess that's probably only to be expected. I'm just happy I get to dance and I feel really lucky. xD


What else... oh made paella with the whale.
Cooking outdoors



It actually turned out a bit soggy, but oh well. It looked nice and I'm not picky with food so it was yummy. ^^


Fambam also went Melbourne! It was pretty interesting seeing the CBD. It was pretty much like a bigger, more evolved and mature version of our town. There were a lot of similar buildings and places and names.

It was also interesting the contrast between China town and the 'non-Asian' sides of town.

We also watched King Kong...which was okay? The main girl singer was pretty good, but I think King Kong kind of lacks in plot.

Gelato !

Flinders station..I think? 

A graffiti street with a montage of some pretty deep quotes

Fooood! This was 9 bucks :3


And lately I've been dancing even more on the side with a friend doing more specific hip hop stuffs. It's pretty cool and I feel pretty lucky. Some days it feels so surreal how one week I was pretty much just at home watching dance videos and maybe getting up to try a move or two in socks, to dancing most days of the week now. =)))

Anyway, my teacher this guy =D and he's pretty awesomee. (Y)

With dance...like I feel like I'm learning a language. Like with songs, I feel fragments of choreography and ideas sometimes...but I feel like I need to reach a higher level of fluency in my dance...i.e. more able to control my body,... in order to converse and express myself. I reckon it's kind of similar with music...i.e. piano. Except that piano is just with your fingers, and dance is with your whole body.

I dunno. <3 Pretty happy tho...doing something I love, meeting amazing people on the way, keeping healthy.

What more can I ask?

Uni soon. Hopefully I'll manage aye.

I wonder how big of a part of my life dance will end up becoming. Like they say now even if you have a uni degree, you're not guaranteed a job. I wouldn't mind reaching a teaching level either.

I look forward to how much dance might be in my future, and I'm going to cherish every moment. <3. I feel like I'm actually living my life now, not just sitting behind my computer waiting for something happen.

Anyway it's late. Sleep well lovelies. <3


Thursday 18 July 2013

Current Appreciation~

Favorite song atm: Baby Don't Go-EXO M

Favorite aesthetics...Baekhyun's smile ! He's so cute. :3

If only I had the power to make everyone smile like him all the time....mmm. I wouldn't ask anymore from life. xD

One of the reasons I love Baekhyun is because of his smile. <3 It's like he's the happiest boy

Wednesday 3 July 2013

EXO's Wolf MV/ Dance Choreo Appreciation Post


So today girls and boys, I have decided to give my two cents to the appreciation of EXO's new song, WOLF.

Wolf by EXO (both K and M)

Korean Version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAal8xHfV0c
Chinese Version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dVvdVpPIok

Why? Bandwagon? No not really.

What bothers me is that people aren't appreciating the quality and art of EXO's comeback to the full. As a person of a diverse range of random interests, I come with an art student/aspriring dancer/kpop fan/Asian music background interpretation of the song and choreography. In all honesty, when I first heard the song, I was like...what the fuak is going on? The heavy rap and melodies are all over the place, and the dance is weird, and what is up with Kai's cornrows and...in summary: what the heck.

Then I watched it again, a few times, and let the concept sink in.

Thus I reckon from beginning to end, this piece has a lot of artistic merit.
Opening tree of the MV...forest setting/ Womping Willow anyone?

First of all, credit to the choreographer Tony Testa. His past works include Sherlock choreo by SHINee, as well as Michael Jackson's This Is It. Thus having worked with a few names and with a portfolio, you can expect that there is reason why his choreography work was chosen for EXO's comeback.

Personally, I find Testa's choreography's strength is that it relates to the song to a certain level. For a lot of kpop choreo, a lot of the movements are pretty shallow or random, or involve a lot of butt shaking and actually have no relation to the song and its' meaning. (i.e. just matching individual words occasionally). Some songs that come to mind first (not saying they're bad or I don't like them, they're just on the top of my mind right now for nice but not that meaningful choreographyxD) , are BoA's Only One, or Boyfriend's Janus, or Girl's Generation I Got a Boy. The songs are catchy, the choreography is nice and memorable, and almost all Kpop fans who see part of the choreography can recognize the song (especially the more popular songs), but the choreo doesn't actually relate to the song. It's purely aesthetic.

So what do I see as more meaningful choreo? Well Sherlock is one...I personally also like Tarzan by the Wonder Boyz. For Tarzan, I don't like the idea of using such a famous and recognizable Disney character as the concept, but the dance itself captures the concept quite powerfully, with the ape-monkey dance choreo, and the melody is also quite nice and catchy. As for Sherlock, there's choreo reflecting the detective notion of the song, such as the static poses, or the 'photography' of the chorus.
Shinee's detective chorus choreography
Aesthetically appealing ape dance =D 
I guess what I see in a good choreo is that it looks good, but also has a layer of meaning and representation to the audience. 


So back to Wolf. I originally was going to find GIFs for all the parts that I wanted to discuss, but alas, I don't think that's going to happen, so I'm going to refer to times (i.e. 0.24) into the MV and discuss the main points that I reckon should be acknowledged. I guess the best part to read the following would be to open the Korean Version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAal8xHfV0c MV, and watch it whilst you read the comments =D. 

So from 0:00-0:13

We have the iconic tree stance. I love how the dark silhouette of the tree not only is setting the scene for the 'wolf' as the night-time forest, but it also describes the dark serenity, balance and sturdiness of nature, and the Asian oriental music kind of sets the cultural acknowledgement/ respect for Korean/ Asian pop? It's like a willow swaying in the wind; strong but study. It also touches on the solidity and power of EXO as a pack themself; strong, and dependent on each other (i.e. they can be seen using each other's weight to stay stable and strong.) 

From 0:14

The music changes, and the background drums give an almost foreboding tribal sense that the song and performance is going to begin. The the wolf's claws come out, and it reveals its' stalking nature into the forest.
From 0:22

The wolf/wolves show their voices in their...'human form'. And the love story narration begins.

Btw, I reckon my favorite wolves would have to be Tao (red eye makeup) and Xiumin (looks like a seedy chinese boy), followed by Luhan(first chorus, jumps up and makes the ground shudder) and Chanyoel (first appearance and has the deepest, masculine voice). They just portray different wolf-like personalities.

Tangent: I read this book called Gray Wolf when I was little, it was pretty much a documentary wolf book, and I loved how each wolf had a different role and personality in the pack. There were the leaders, the young alphas in training, the lead alpha, the betas, carers of the pups etc. So I guess what I really like about EXO portraying this wolf concept is that each member sort of has their own wolf concept. Like Tao is the fierce protector wolf, Kris (second to rap/sing) is the alpha, Luhan is the cute middle member wolf, Xiumin also gives off the energetic middle member wolf, Kai (cornrows) gives off the hunter sort of wolf...etc. 

From 0:39

It was unsettling at first, how the rap progressed to a weird dis-chord-like harmony, but I love it now because it gives that sort of judgmental and eerie pack feel. Like in a forest full of eyes and laughing wolves...judging you for falling in love with a human girl. Silly wolf. Just eat her.

And how the rap intersects with the harmony, is like the lovestruck wolf arguing his case and defending himself.

From 0:49
The wolf-like choreo begins to shine. I love the big aggressive and brass claw-like movements; exerting the fierce brute power that the wolf pack has.

At 0:54, it's like wolf clawing.

Wolves on the ground clawing

At 1:04, it's the trademark wolf ears and howling
Naegae oulf!

At 1:06, the brute and animalistic feelings the wolf must have for this hypothetical girl...makes it/him want to claw at his heart to make it stop. (This is Luhan btw! He was the first wolf character that I grew fond of (before I saw Tao in live performances. I also love Luhan's hair in this, and how it's like ruffled and fur-like)
Luhan! ;3

From 1:15

The wolf seems to show its' distress with its' feelings at this point. The choreo is still amazing in showing the attributes of animal-like brutality and power. Lots of claw hands and powerful moves, with some slightly faster moves that amplify the grace of the lupus.

The hand movement at around 1:25 kind of seems to give off a sort of...indecisive vibe, like weighing decisions.

From 1:32

I love the wolf-like jumping and movements incorporated in the transitions. (Go watch a live if you want to see it even better). For transitions, there are wolves doing quick leaps, wolves doing scouting movements, wolves sliding around on the ground.

Jumping wolves

From 1:35

I love the wolf cave as well. How the wolf comes out of its' den, and how the den's creation is in sync with the music and the cave watches the wolf to emphasize the performance and eerie, sort of foresty feel; how there's always hunters watching you and you could be their prey.

1:45 is more wolf-like running with low in sync claw movements.

From 1:50

Demonstrates the agility of the wolf more-so with this choreo. Instead of powerful movements it shows the wolves bearing their claws and maneuvering in sync and discord at the same time, to emphasize that although a pack may look kind of sloppy when its' executing a hunt, it actually is very well planned and on the same frequency.

From 2:02 

It looks funny at first, but I reckon this little detail move emphasizes the wolf feel as if the wolf was shaking its' fur. :3

Fur shaking

Repeat chorus...Tao's awesome clawing jump is pretty self explanatory.
Tao's Jump

The trees reappear. I love how the trees gracefully spread out though.


 Lots more wolf-like leaping and clawing.

There's the odd gangster headbob led by Kai around 3:29.It kind of brings a more human element to the performance...followed by an even more wolf-like follow up with the arms and fingers imitating a wolfs jaw around 3:32

Head bob


And the performance ends with dual caves...and an awesome ending pose...which I presume to supposedly be the shape of a wolf's face.

Wolf Face?

Anyway. I think this song and choreo has a lot of merit, as well as the full album. It's pretty much a fantasy album with references to peter pan, the black pearl, love, wolves, and some other songs in there that make it a well balanced album. I highly recommend it ! :3

Ahh and learning the dance is pretty fun. The choreo isnt that hard, and it's powerful.

Aneeta Ouuuuuurrrrrrrt!