Saturday 20 July 2013

General Update

Soooooo Haii guys! 

It's uni holidays and I've been having a blast xD. I don't think I've updated in awhile...because I was going through my old camera photos and the ones I haven't uploaded were back from swotvac.

So here we go xD

Well whale's birthday was around swotvac ish, so I thought I'd have a go at making a cake during the week where I had like..8 days to study for exams.

SO...I was going to try to make Lychee cake. Let's just say it didn't work out...I think the baking powder was like...too old or something. I didn't end up giving it cuz it was like...half the consistency of a cake and a cookie..but I tried? ^^"'

Bought lychees and everything =.=

Finished...result. LOL
Anyway. Yeah. xD

Hmm what else. So holidays started and I decided to finally throw myself out there and join our city's Kpop dance group. It was pretty awkward at first because I actually wasn't supposed to go to the rehearsal that I rocked up to...It was like for their private performance. But yolo. I was just so keen to dance that I pretty much didn't really care how much awkward I had to go through. xD

It was fun tho, we ended up learning Janus by Boyfriend. First 40 seconds of it anyway.

And yeah, so I guess I kinda fit in with my own quirkiness and ended up pretty much going for a week consecutively to all their dance rehearsals and classes. It was like kpop dance camp 10-4pm. So much fun. Like I didn't even want to eat during breaks because they'd play random music, and I'd be waiting for a song I know, cuz I reckon it's so much more fun when you dance with other people.

Although I think there's a bit of social hierarchy in the dance group, but I guess that's probably only to be expected. I'm just happy I get to dance and I feel really lucky. xD


What else... oh made paella with the whale.
Cooking outdoors



It actually turned out a bit soggy, but oh well. It looked nice and I'm not picky with food so it was yummy. ^^


Fambam also went Melbourne! It was pretty interesting seeing the CBD. It was pretty much like a bigger, more evolved and mature version of our town. There were a lot of similar buildings and places and names.

It was also interesting the contrast between China town and the 'non-Asian' sides of town.

We also watched King Kong...which was okay? The main girl singer was pretty good, but I think King Kong kind of lacks in plot.

Gelato !

Flinders station..I think? 

A graffiti street with a montage of some pretty deep quotes

Fooood! This was 9 bucks :3


And lately I've been dancing even more on the side with a friend doing more specific hip hop stuffs. It's pretty cool and I feel pretty lucky. Some days it feels so surreal how one week I was pretty much just at home watching dance videos and maybe getting up to try a move or two in socks, to dancing most days of the week now. =)))

Anyway, my teacher this guy =D and he's pretty awesomee. (Y)

With I feel like I'm learning a language. Like with songs, I feel fragments of choreography and ideas sometimes...but I feel like I need to reach a higher level of fluency in my dance...i.e. more able to control my body,... in order to converse and express myself. I reckon it's kind of similar with music...i.e. piano. Except that piano is just with your fingers, and dance is with your whole body.

I dunno. <3 Pretty happy tho...doing something I love, meeting amazing people on the way, keeping healthy.

What more can I ask?

Uni soon. Hopefully I'll manage aye.

I wonder how big of a part of my life dance will end up becoming. Like they say now even if you have a uni degree, you're not guaranteed a job. I wouldn't mind reaching a teaching level either.

I look forward to how much dance might be in my future, and I'm going to cherish every moment. <3. I feel like I'm actually living my life now, not just sitting behind my computer waiting for something happen.

Anyway it's late. Sleep well lovelies. <3


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