Friday 26 July 2013

Music Dance and Expression

Hey all!

I have a short philosophical rant! And it's about music.  

So what is music? You know what, I don't even know. Some genius ape man back in the dinosaur and mammoth days probably started banging on some rocks and made weird noises with their voices. Maybe used some sticks, used their bodies.

The...ethereal quality of music....?

That ape man was genius. Like...I don't think life would be worth living without music. It'd be like living life in plain black and white (not even grayscale), vs color. Or living life blurry compared to HD.

Blurry and clear. Without and with music.
image from

I guess the way I view music now is a form of expression. Whether it be creating it or experiencing's expression of one's personal feelings and emotions that those plain black and white words we speak cannot achieve.

At the moment, I reckon there are 3 main ways of expressing yourself through music, with differing amounts of energy expenditure.

1. Writing/Singing
2. Instrumental
3. Dancing 

However, for me, the ability to express music is in that order in terms of expression magnitude. When you're singing, you're just involving your vocal chords and your ears, not much of your body is involved. When you express via and instrument, your fingers, and maybe lungs are involved. But for dance, everything is involved...and you can release your emotions in every fiber of your being. That for me, is my ultimate goal...would be an inexplicably...calming and amazing? To release that energy...and pass it on to people...

Ahhh there's so much to musicality though, and depending on what you emphasize or diminish, can also express your train of thought. Like choosing what lyrics, bringing out which melodies, which harmonies....choosing to amplify lyrics or the rhythm...choosing which.

I dunno.

As Dumbledore said,

"Ah Music! A magic far beyond what we do here."


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