Saturday 10 August 2013

Reinterpreting the World

Wadderrp sexy bishes.

Today I want to ramble about more philosophical brain blerghs. =D

The one for today is the ability to Reinterpret the World. 
We usually are programmed to live in a negative and competitve world, but that doesn't mean we have to adhere to such standards. 

What does this mean?

Well in my opinion, I reckon reinterpreting the world around you, especially the people and words around you, is a very important skill to keep yourself happy and content with the world. If you reinterpret things with negative connotations, it generally puts yourself at a happier state of mind yeah? And it's always good to have a happier state of mind because it will improve your health mentally, physically, and in the relationships with people around you; including friends and family.

The way I see it, there are different levels of reinterpretation. 

What do you see?
(image from google) 
1. Negative interpretation (Pessimists, I'm talking to you)
2. Connotative interpretation. 
3. Indifferent/Neutral interpretation
4. Benefit of the doubt interpretation
5. Positive interpretation/ empathetic (Optimists ! :))

I reckon most people usually fit under 1-3, with 2 probably being more common.

So let me sort the categories into interpretations of the saying, "The glass is half full, or half empty." With more extremes of course.

1. Glass is half empty. Who the hell took the water, greedy bitch.
2. Hmm. Well I left this glass of water on the table and it's half gone, so someone probably drank it.
3. Oh, the glass isn't the same as before. Whatever, I'll just get a new one/ Kk...whatever.
4. Wow, someone must have been pretty thirsty.
5. Oh hey, there's still water left. Yusss win!. :)

So I find that this sort of interpretation can really influence a person's outlook on life. I find that people who mainly reside in categories 4-5 have the most stable mindsets, and can deal with most situations without any negative impact to their health. 

Allow me to elaborate. =D 


4-5: So yes. Categories 4-5. I am trying to live in this category, because in all honesty, nothing can can shake you once you're in such a positive mindset. Try to think of any situation, and you have the ability to twist it so that it's optimistic and positive. You have the ability to always view people in the most positive light and empathizing with people for being people and having dreams, goals, and normal human desires.

For example:

Road rage-someone cuts front of you and you almost crash into them. 

4. Wow maybe they're just being silly today.
Road rage
5. Wow, that was really lucky that nothing happened. I hope that person is okay, they must be distracted with something, or maybe something really serious happened and they're in a rush. Or maybe they're having a really bad day and not really focusing on being the best driver they can be.

Negative confrontation-someone calls you a bitch.

4. Wow, they must be having a bad day.
5. Hmm. I wonder what's up with them today. Maybe something bad happened, maybe they're really stressed. I hope they're okay. 

For those in category 4, they may not have such strong optimism, but they are willing to think things from another angle, whereas for category 5, they show a deeper empathy and caring and just optimism. Category 5 is no longer revolving around healing yourself, but healing the world around you. 

3. I reckon this category is for the people who just turn off their emotions. I was probably mainly in this category for awhile, especially during my parents' divorce. I refused to feel anything because the negative connotation was to great. Although I did try to reach for category 4 when thinking about the situation, and I think I eventually reached category 5.

This category is alright in the sense of mental health that you don't feel those sorts of negative emotions. I guess the problem with this category is that you don't deal with your emotions, you're not going anywhere. You're just static because you refuse to be dragged backwards, but you're not moving forwards with positive energy either. You're neither improving nor regressing the situation. These sorts of people probably avoid the situation altogether usually, and distract themselves with something else; be it gaming or art or whatever. The good thing about this category is that it's midway between having a positive and negative mindset, so if you push yourself a little bit optimistically, you could develop a pretty stable mindset. 

1-2. Those who fit under categories 1-2 often end up feeling a lot of unnecessary negativity towards people and life, which also end up damaging themselves. Like they feel more self-pity that the other categories, which drags them down moving forward and strongly in life. For example, if someone called you a 'bitch', categories 1-2 would immediately respond with anger and probably reflect that same negativity back to the person who said it to them. They'd probably respond with something along the lines of 'Excuse me a$$whole?'. And thus would create a lot of negative emotion which would damage their lives in general. If you're feeling shit, you're likely to share it with the people around you, and if those people are also categories 1-2, they'll also start feeling shit, and then it just becomes a black hole of negativity. Ew.
If only all the category 1-2 people could find and follow this sign, world would be a happier place. :) 

In regards to 2., these people can also interpret things positively. However, the circumstance has to be almost undeniably positive. 


My point of this post is...lighten up people! Life is too short to be unhappy and negative, and I hope that anyone who takes the time to read this post might be able to take some optimism with them, because I feel like having an optimistic mindset is such a light and freeing feeling. It makes life a lot happier and a lot more worth living, and I really want to share that feeling with everyone.

Lots of love ~ till next time !

Aneeta the video below and laugh a little. :) 

And appreciate art. I love the creativity in the video below. :)

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