Wednesday 17 April 2013


Never-ending uni this week.

Weekend: Study for hardest subject exam. (10hr+)
Monday: Exam. 3 hour of lectures. Study for next exam. Study for practicals for tomorrow.
Tuesday: 4 hours of practicals. Study for exam for tomorrow. (5hr+)
Weds: Exam. 2 hour lecture. Spend night doing prac report due tomorrow. (3hr+)
Thursday: 4hr of practicals.

It's like to the point where you can't slack off, and you just push your brain to keep going, even if you're really tired and really don't want to think because if you start slacking off or not thinking, it's even harder to get into things, and your thoughts and memory get stale, and it's just harder later on. Or it's more pressure to finish your work in the end. It's just really tiring this week because the minute you finish one thing, you have to start on the next.

Zzzz need to exercise.

But I guess it's good in the sense that my brain is consistently going. The hardest was definitely getting back into study after the week of holidays. There was no motivation, but now the motivation is to avoid future stress. >D

Pretty much this year.

Anyway, whinging over. Back to it!

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