Sunday 7 April 2013

Oh my gawd you can put makeup on your eyebrows?? / Update

(Title courtesy of Jenna Marbles and her 'What a girl's makeup means' Video)

Hey folks!

Bad lighting= increase ^ eyelashes and eyeliner. >D 

Just a normal life update!

So this week is uni holidays, and I think I slipped pretty deep into holiday mode this time around. xD I have to say, it's a lot harder to change your in I've been trying to get back into study mode the last 2 days...which is starting to get there. But only just. ^^ For most of the week I have been just chilling, going out, playing games, not doing much uni work. Although I did finish a prac report, which is something I guess. =D

So I forgot which day, but I went out and had brunch with the whale. I was really tired, but the nigiri was worth it! We had a big mixed it was like...2 dollars per pair of sushi? Aburi everything! 

sleepy nomnom. 
Although the restaurant we went to has generally low reviews, I thought it was okay. =D Oh, and we also had some takoyaki. =D

Takoyaki? More like takoyummy!

On the same day I also wanted to make dumpling so we had them for dinner? Sister likes them panfried, so there you go.
Homemade dumplings!
Although I like them boiled. They're much more tender and healthier. =D We put pork mince, and mom didn't have enough cabbage, so carrot also made it's way into the filling. It was pretty nice. Homefood at one of its' high points. =D

I also forgot which day, but there are new TimTam flavors out! I think at this point, I was really really sick of home food (i.e. saving monies cuz im a cheap uni Asian), and was dying to try something that was peanut butter and jelly and bread, or fried rice. These were on sale! Behold! Cookie and cream-like TimTams!

Picture is pretty accurate =D 
They were pretty sweet, but pretty nice as well. Although it has oreo smell all over it. Not literally.


 I actually don't know where my holidays went. LOL. A lot of it was probably being antisocial and just resting at home. First 5 week of uni really took it out of me...and now it's time to gear up and charge through the rest. ^^ Although I've already done my anatomy report, so I don't have to worry about that. Yay!

But yeah, on...Thursday we went to seaworld! I think I got it confused with underwater I was a little bit disappointed by the lack of actual sea-life. I should have taken more photos, but in general, we got there, checked out the small dinosaur exhibit (wtf they are supposed to have feathers? Land before time was a lie :d), watched an overly bubbly (like...metaphorically and literally) spongebob show, had sushi that I made (and overcooked the rice), walked around and saw penguins, went on a few rides, watched a bit of the dolphin show, and did a ropes course thing until it was time to go home. 

Rides rides rides.

I hate rides. :(

watching the noobs in line
It's not that I don't want to ride's that I don't like riding them? xD If I could change a small thing about me if I were to be reborn, it would be so that I could be an adrenaline junkie. Like people look like they have so much fun scaring the crap out of themselves...whereas I just don't like it. Like I feel like I'm going to die or something when I go on the ride...or I just start telling myself it'll be over soon. Zzz. I went on the jetski one just to confirm that I still don't like them. Sigh. I've also been watchin Shinee's 'A wonderful day' seems amazing to be able to skydive. I think I would actually die or faint if I were to be chucked off a plane. Just saying.


But yeah! Afterwards we had korean bbq buffet with the...original baddie group? It was really good. =D I love these guys and girls (>D) to death. So lucky to have them. I hope for a long time to come. ^^


So yeah, yesterday (Saturday), one of the uni clubs had a social even at Movenpicks, which allowed us 50% off Movenpick ice cream. The club is called BSA, but I still don't know what it stands for. I'm sure someone's told me a few times...nope. Still can't remember. xD It's pretty much a group of ABCs, some bananas, some boiled eggs.
SO CUTE. <33 >D 

But yeah. I decided to dress up a little for an event. Straightened my hair (even though it's naturally straight, it still goes a little bit wavy due to typing it up, shoulders, etc). And as I mentioned before, that line from Jenna Marbles kept ringing in my head...'You can put makeup on your eyebrows'. So I tried it, instead of only amplifying the eye area. xD My mom was criticizing how I plucked my eyebrows because they like...had a downwards whale shape, and she said that I shouldn't do that. Like I was aiming for a flat korean look, but yeah. I think the downwards eyebrows make you look a little dopey? In the end, I plucked off the downwards tail, which left my eyebrows a bit too short, so I drew a little bit in as you can see below:

Reference I used when I doubted my mom telling my my eyebrows were too short.  Yuri from SNSD, which I reckon is one of the more naturally pretty girls out there. 
But just putting it out there. Eyebrows can change a person's look completely. From energetic, to angry, to sexy, to tired to kind. I'll probably go into detail about it in another future post, but yeah. I think my procrastiblogging conscience is starting to nag, so I'll it there for today!

Back to studies! Work hard everyone and holidays will be upon us again sooner than you think. :)

Back to nerdy looking short eyebrow phee.

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