Thursday 22 May 2014

Happy Night ^___^

Post Exam Takoyaki

Hey all~~

Just finished work. Btw. I love old people. Had my first customer who said she wanted to return to get glasses from me ^___^. Her granddaughter was kinda bitchy and picky, but this old lady was absolutely lovely, and I had the nicest conversation with her while the granddaughter was getting her appointment done. I try really hard to relate and talk to customers and practice my rapport and finally my different techniques and stuff paid off in this one case. (It's a delicate balance of making them comfortable enough to talk to you, or to give them enough space ^^"') Ofcourse I always stumble and sound awkward maybe with the next customer, but I they say the people who succeed are like the people who keep trying until they find something that works.

And then I came home and found out dad had sent me a tongue scraper and phone case. He got the phone case colour spot on (its really similar to the one I chose here), and I think he remembered that I needed a tongue scraper when I was back in Taiwan. Like that made my night. <3 He still knows me well as his daughter even though we don't see each other much.

And my exam is a practical exam and I've attended all the practice sessions even after the long tired days, so I guess I feel pretty okay about it. My assignment is done. It's one of those nights where consistent hard work pays off. ^______^.

Oh and I bought a scientific calculator for 30 bucks, and I'm quite happy with it because it's the same brand of my graphics calculator that I've been using for ages, so I won't have any trouble with adjusting to it.

And my exam went pretty well, I'm pretty sure I scored a solid pass, if not a decent mark. Maybe not a 7 but a 6 ish? And that's with my persistent studying nowadays, like I revise notes on the bus, I don't let myself relax until it's like absolutely pointless in any more revision. I was really slack in high school. Oh and two of my practicals finished for the semester! =D And I haven't skipped any lectures this year, or work shifts (I took a few hours off on a performance Saturday, and Ed let me have a Sat off because of an exam plus I think one of the co-workers wants more hours), nor have I skipped any dance rehearsals that I'm supposed to be at, so I'm pretty happy and proud at the moment! Past week has been kind of depressing and I do acknowledge I lose my optimism sometimes, recently more often than not, but I'm content tonight.

Goodnight kiss to you all folks! :) (yes I am learning this atm) 

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