Monday 10 June 2013


So I just talking to a friend who is aiming for the Olympics.

I wonder if I'd have enough motivation to push my body to that level...well not the Olympics, but to reach the level that I'd love to be at. xD


Sunday 9 June 2013


Images in my head trying to come out!
The one on the right is supposed to be small and scrawny, and the left and bottom are supposed to be fairly tall and big. Top is supposed to be kinda small but has a bit of build.


Probs not. Will update with better version when I'm not supposed to be studying!
And yes, what you see behind the left is the silhouette of a retina.

Friday 7 June 2013

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Dance specs

Need to work on arms and agility!

KPOP love = there is choreography routine for every song, so if you really like a song, you can actually feel and express that feeling rather than just singing along.

Monday 3 June 2013



Kai from EXO  ====>

Birth Name : Kim Jong In (김종인)
Stage Name : Kai
DOB : January 14, 1994
Position : Main Dancer, Vocalist, Lead Rapper, Face of The Group
Height : 182 cm
Blood Type : A
Nationality : Korean
Specialties : Dance (ballet, jazz, hip hop, popping, rocking)

(I think part of the reasoning for his stage name Kai, is that his actual Korean name, Kim Jong-In (김종인) is shared with a number of Korean poiltians; whether it be pronunciation or Hangul characters.

So in all honesty, when I first saw pictures...I was like meh. Like look at the picture above...theres something weird with his face yeah? Like it's not drop dead gorgeous at first being the typical shallow kpop fan that I am, interest lost. =D (Goes back to stalking Taemin)

But then, thanks to swotvac, I decided to look up some videos of the first like...10 seconds...
AND OMG. When he smiles...his whole face structure changes and he becomes...freaking attractive. xD He actually looks kind of Spanish or Latin American, or even Native American with his talk dark and handsome sort of Aura. I reckon he and Taemin are kind of opposite in this aspect; as Taemin looks really hot when he's all serious, whereas Kai looks amazing when he has a bit of a smirk on his face:

fking bleached teeth of dazzlingness
Taemin comparison:

Tae serious...phwooaaaa. 
and then Taemin dork

And the there's Kai~

Half smile...zomg

dayum                                                                        flaunting it ===>
He and Taemin look quite similar on stage; the both have the sort of tall lanky dancer walk and kind of derpy but powerful persona behind their figure. What I find really attractive about both Taemin and Kai is that they are he main dancers of their respective groups SHINee and EXO-K respectively. However, I actually do reckon that Kai is slightly better than Taemin in terms of technique and execution because he's had more training (like ballet and jazz since yr3 or something?).

Kai close-up dancing:

Although unfortunately, it seems like Kai has Jonghyun's fortune in terms of injury, as Kai got injured twice? Or something. One was at an airport, and the other was at Beijing. I think the airport one was more serious, as Kai was pushed off some railing and hurt his waist:

Kai's waist injury :( With support tape or heat packs or something
And in the video link earlier, you can see him wincing around I think this is a long term injury for Kai.

Kai waist injury; bending over;

At approx 0:17, Kai wincing again; probably due to his waist:

 It's kind of sad in the world of K-pop. Your fans can create all your fame, but they can also bring downfall and injury to your dreams with their fandom. Like same with Jonghyun; he had to have ankle ligament surgery because his fans were too rowdy and pushed him over.

All the best to Kai for his recovery...he is an amazing dancer, it would be a real shame if he couldn't fully do what he loves.

More dancing:
Amazing Routine

Finishing this big procrastination/waste of time when I should be studying post with some TaeKai <3

Cute :D 


Similar no?
<33 stuuudy time~

Oh and EXO is back with their new track WOLF. Go check it out! It's more of an artistic piece, rather than muscially appealing I reckon? Pushing the boundaries of Kpop again. What's with all the new style of Kpop now adays? I think SNSD started it with I Got a Boy, but then following there is Ice Cream by HyunA, Why so Serious by SHINee, What's Your Name by 4minute, Countryside Life by T-ara N4, CL with her The Baddest Female...

Not complaining, it's not like a lot of the mainstream K-pop melodies were original. Interesting shift that's all. :)

Saturday 1 June 2013


I don't think I like clubbing. =D I think what I like is the dance aspect of clubbing, and just jamming to music with not a care in the world.

This realization is I went to like...a birthday party that was kind of a dark club-like atmosphere, and it wasn't that exciting it all honesty. Like it's impossible to talk to people in such a loud annoying place, and to be honest, I'd rather more deep conversation rather than a sort of awkward, "Hi, what's your name? How do you know _____"....kkkkkk.

So I think I ended up just wanting a good song to pop on so I jam to it...but nothing really came on. Then it got boring and awkward and I just followed people around and had a drink. xDD

But yeah.

I think atm I have two side ambitions that I want to pursue, and that's dance and art.

Need a job to fund, and need to study for exams for optom. zzzz.