Thursday 23 May 2013


Welcome back!!

Fangirling over here. Omg he looks like that dance instructor from HRC academy.

Kinda feminine...but I DON'T CARE. <33 Marry meeeee.

In honor of his return, I shall now overdose you with all the JH on my computer. <333


This face <3

looks a bit strange here

dat jawline...


not to be shallow, but I think I prefer him at this weight :D so hot and not to tanky. 

Monday 20 May 2013

Cold weather chocolate first world problems.

To the creators or developers of Old Gold

This stuff. Who the heck designed the thickness of the chocolate. T_T. Cannot break off the little blocks mahn! Even with my full body weight and a counter, I could only break of four squares off at a time. Thus Lindt is superior and Old Gold will just make you fat. :(

Image taken from cuz I cannot be bothered taking a foto lah!

Whee ahead of assignments feels so good. 90% done with both of the ones due Thursday and Friday. =D

Ahh exams soon.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Worst excuses for being late

Worst reasons for missing my intended bus to date (all separate) :

  • Finding a jacket to wear. 
  • Playing candy crush. 
  • Forgetting lunch. then go card consecutively. 

Monday 13 May 2013


Haven't blogged in awhile, had to like look through my blog whilst looking through my photos in chronological order in order to figure out what I have or haven't talked about xD


So lately...what I've been up to is uni uni uni, hanging out with the optom pedigree, and hanging out with the baddie group.

We had Leesaarr's birday dinner at Wagaya today. It was pretty fun! It was nice seeing everyone again, and it was nice chatting to some of her closer dent friends. ^^ Nice group of people I have to say. And I find anything like... sci-ency or dent related facts really interesting, so it's really intriguing talking to them; and how a lot of the things they find casual sound like gibberish to non-dent folk. It's like specialization in action. :)

Wifeey <3
Finally got to wear my dress from arbourtown (harbortown? idkxD)
I ordered a ramen, Leesar shouted us Takoyaki, and a few of us ordered some non alcoholic drinks, although a few people down at the other end of the table were downing some sake like in a drama.

Speaking of drama, so funny was that our waiters were Korean (even though it was a Japanese restaurant) and there was a little mix-up with the seafood udon. He really struggled communicating to us and explaining that the chef would re-do the dish for us in English. However, we had a Korean guy amongst us, which pretty much saved the communication boundary. The waiters were pretty cute :3 like kpop boys without being all dressed up, and the look of relief on his face when he realised one of use could speak Korean was priceless.

Freshly 20 with an iced green tea latte


Wagaya's unique 'birthday drinks'. This is an Amethyst one for was strawberry calipis and milk...and pretty much tasted like that. I don't think I'd really recommend it. 

Then afterwards we took some photos, then went home. It was a pretty chill evening, but whenever I hang out with my state high group or Leesar's friends, I feel like the quality of conversation is up a notch. Like on the bus, we were discussing Asian and Chinese marriage and culture etc, and like analysing things...maybe slightly nerdy, but I find it a lot more engaging and worthwhile than, "Oh my gawd, so I bought these new shoes...blah blah omg I love fluffy bunnys."

Sort of. Yeah. =D


What else....pretty much I think our optom pedigree group has gotten a lot closer this year. Even though we have a lot of two hour breaks, I find the breaks pass by really quickly; as opposed to first year where the breaks seemed to drag on for ageees. I think everyone feels a bit more comfortable, and we have a nice balance of personalities in the group; however I do feel like the dominant and more extroverted personalities sometimes overshadow the group and rather than be productive, kind of intimidate the more shy to not really contribute or to be slightly weary of contributing.

 We had a few birthday celebrations, like Chaimum! She's such a lovely and maliciously cute being, who's pretty awesome. We got her a really cute bracelet and a scarf, and optom sis made rainbow cupcakes which were really impressive:

Then Karapop's had her birthday at George's paragon, which is a really pricy and 'classy' aka over priced seafood restaurant. The food was really average. Like Nando's chips tasted better, the fish was dry, and the rice tasted like butter.

The oysters were good...onmonmnom. But so expensive. :( My monies. Why are optical assistant jobs so hard to find?

Oysters and Christina being normal. 

We also went karaoke afterwards...and omg optom sis is so pro at singing. I think in my life, I think I've met three people who actually are really talented singers: Janet, Leo, And Opto-sis. Like their tone is amazing, and I'm so envious they can sing. Like not even kidding. Sigh. xD Like as a noob singer, just trying to sing high, I can feel my voice go out of tune, no power, blah blah. So envious. =D

We just chill.

Oh and I found out that our little group has more gamers than I thought. Funny thing is...I actually might game more than all of them. =.= No lyyyffeeee. We've agreed to play over the holidays, but I can actually see myself waiting around for them....HAHAHA. omg. So sad.

But adc!


What else...I think I went sizzler with the whale? It was alright...I like the variety of food, but it reminds me of hotel buffets...nothing really stood out except the ice cream...which actually wasn't really good, but more addressed childhood loves. :D Sprinkles!

Sizzler food

Oh and I went for the first time to lion dancing club. It's so fun! It's like getting in touch with a bit of Asian culture...which is something that touches a deep part of me. Like, I love really olden traditional Asian things, and I'm afraid that those lessons and skills and knowledge are going to be lost with my sort of 'immigrated' ABCness. Like my Chinese is already pretty shiet...

Lion dancing is so amazing though. It's a fantasy part of an Asian upbringing, and being able to be a part of it and experience it, and for free is amazing. Amazing amazing. <3

Study hard guys and girls! Smash those exams so we can party and game hard. :)


Wednesday 8 May 2013

Some days...

Some days motivation runs a bit dry. :(

Must perservere! Nothing but hard work and dedication!

Get better soon Jjong. :) Almost cbs watching all the 'Why So Serious' promotions because it's not Shinee without you~